Translation for "tarado" to english
Translation examples
Yo era defectuosa, un artículo tarado.
I was defective, damaged goods. He moved on.
Dan a luz bebés deformes y tarados, terribles y extrañaras enfermedades...
They had defective and malformed births, terrible and strange diseases ...
Estás rodeado de tarados.
You’re surrounded with defectives.
Él era un ser tarado, y ella no, y no podía hacer nada para remediarlo.
He was defective, and she wasn’t, and there was nothing she could do about it.
Mis tarados varios no han captado aún plenamente las consecuencias del complot de tu esposo.
My assorted defectives haven’t yet fully grasped the implications of your husband’s ploy.
—Que es una palabra nyueng bao que significa algo así como «extranjero con deformación congénita y cerebro tarado».
Which is a Nyueng Bao word meaning something like “congenitally deformed, brain-defective foreigner.”
– Eso no importa -replicó Maurice. – Explíquele, doctor, que de esas uniones nacen chiquillos tarados -insistió Sancho.
"That doesn't matter," Maurice replied. "Explain to him, Doctor, that defective children are born of such unions," Sancho insisted.
Ha habido xenobiólogos que han afirmado que la Tierra es un mundo de hidranos tarados…, sordomudos psiónicos, tullidos mentales.
There have been xenobiologists who’ ve claimed that Earth is a world of defective Hydrans- psionic deaf-mutes, mental cripples.”
Gente que se acomoda a las plagas de la sociedad y se adapta a todas las deformaciones, que no tiene nada que defender y nada que cambiar. O físicamente tarados, o maníacos, o fanáticos.
men on the fringes of society, who got along somehow, with nothing to defend and nothing to lose; either they're defective physically, or they have fixations, or they're fanatics.
Los maníacos de esta especie, generalmente tarados, conscientes de su inconsciencia, gozan de una sangre fría que, engañosa, les empuja a imprudencias fatales.
Maniacs of this kind, usually mentally defective, are lucid within their own deluded state, and may display a cold-blooded demeanour which can deceive, but which leads them to commit fatally imprudent errors.
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