Translation for "tan desconcertante" to english
Tan desconcertante
  • so disconcerting
  • so baffling
Translation examples
so disconcerting
le resultaba tan desconcertante que empezó a encolerizarse.
It was so disconcerting that in the end he got angry.
No había nada tan desconcertante como Werner tratando de ser sincero—.
There was nothing quite so disconcerting as Werner trying to be sincere.
pero eran tan desconcertantes que hizo un esfuerzo para apartarlas de su imaginación.
They were so disconcerting that he made an effort to put them out of his mind.
Su cortesía, que Maud veía que para ellos resultaba tan desconcertante, no era moneda corriente en esta casa.
Her politeness, which she sensed they found so disconcerting, was not the sort of currency that obtained here.
Pembe jamás había imaginado que el blanco pudiera ser tan desconcertante, tan lejano, tan oscuro.
Never had it entered Pembe’s mind that white could be so disconcerting, so distant, so dark.
por ejemplo, había aprendido de su padre que no hay nada tan desconcertante como el silencio, y se preparó para aplicarlo a rajatabla con la señora Forrester.
she had learned from her father, for instance, that nothing is so disconcerting as silence, and she was preparing to give Mrs. Forrester a lot of it.
Tuvo una sensación de déjà vu tan desconcertante que no se dio cuenta de que no estaba solo hasta que alguien le atacó, empujándole hacia atrás.
He was struck by a feeling of déjà vu so disconcerting that he didn't realize he wasn't alone until he was tackled and knocked backward.
Se había enamorado profunda, inmediatamente, abrumando a Matilda con esa mezcla de atención y olvido que a la mayoría de las mujeres les resultaba tan desconcertante en su forma de cortejarlas.
He had fallen deeply in love, immediately overwhelming Matilda with that combination of attention and forgetfulness which most women found so disconcerting in his addresses.
El propio concepto de azar—Zufall era la palabra alemana que empleaba— le resultaba tan desconcertante, tan extraño, que puso el término entre comillas, como para distanciarse de él.[37]
The whole concept of chance—“Zufall” was the word he used—was so disconcerting to him, so odd, that he put the word in quotation marks, as if to distance himself from it.37
Viejas historias que ridiculizaban a la gente de la Montaña le vinieron a la memoria y la fijeza de la mirada de la mujer le resultó tan desconcertante, y el rostro del hombre dormido tan desagradable y bestial, que su repugnancia se tiñó de un vago temor.
Old derided tales of the Mountain people came back to her, and the woman's stare was so disconcerting, and the face of the sleeping man so sodden and bestial, that her disgust was tinged with a vague dread.
so baffling
Las leyes americanas son tan desconcertantes...
American laws-- they're so baffling.
Estas extrañas señales son tan desconcertantes.
Those strange signals are so baffling.
¿Quién iba a suponer que aparear a una perra iba a ser un problema tan desconcertante?
Who would have supposed that mating a bitch could be so baffling a problem?
Hombres, se dijo Clary, resultaban tan desconcertantes.
Men, Clary thought, they were so baffling.
-grité, al tiempo que mis ojos descubrían las interioridades de cosas y palabras cuya insignificancia me pareciera tan desconcertante y fastidiosa.
And then my eyes became opened to the inwardness of things and speeches the triviality of which had been so baffling and tiresome.
Todo el incidente fue tan extraño, tan desconcertante, que en vez de alarmarme me quedé perpleja, y pensé: «Ha sido un suceso anómalo, no se repetirá».
The entire incident was so strange, so baffling, that it mystified rather than alarmed me, and I thought to myself, An aberrant occurrence, expect no repeats.
El crecimiento exponencial es tan desconcertante para nuestras funciones cognitivas que a menudo lo afrontamos desarrollando una "miopía" exponencial, pensandmás que "muy rápido".
Exponential growth is so baffling to our cognitive functions that we often deal with it by developing exponential “myopia”,[7] thinking of it as nothing more than “very fast”.
—¿Ha examinado alguna vez a una monja cuyos síntomas fueran tan desconcertantes y persistentes que se viera usted incapaz de clasificar su presunta psicosis y de prescribirle un tratamiento eficaz?
Have you ever examined a nun whose symptoms were so baffling and so persistent that you found yourself unable either to categorize her presumed psychosis or treat her successfully?
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