Translation for "supersticiosamente" to english
Translation examples
Gina dio un respingo, supersticiosamente.
Gina flinched, superstitiously.
—No sigas —le advirtió, casi supersticiosamente—.
"Don't," she cautioned him, almost superstitiously.
Yo, instintiva y quizá supersticiosamente, me opuse.
I myself am instinctively and perhaps superstitiously opposed.
Y cruzó supersticiosamente los dedos durante todo el trayecto».
And she superstitiously switched her middle finger across her index and kept them that way.
July siempre se había mantenido supersticiosamente lejos de las armas;
July had always kept superstitiously clear of shot-guns;
Dejaron los vasos en el alfeizar de la ventana; supersticiosamente, Jimmy corrió el suyo hasta que tocó el de Rose.
They put their glasses on the window sill: superstitiously Jimmy slid his over till it touched Rose's.
Supersticiosamente, fingía dormir y se quedaba quieta, tratando de persuadir al sueño de que seguía dormida.
Superstitiously, she would play possum, not stirring, trying to persuade the dream that she was still asleep.
Pensé en Tvrtko, que estaría moviéndose en su asquerosa tienda, preguntándome si me recordaría supersticiosamente en el cielo.
I thought of Tvrtko stirring in his sleazy tent, wondering if he recalled me superstitiously in the sky.
Angelina. —Y había otra razón (él estaba supersticiosamente convencido de ello), aunque aún no había penetrado cabalmente en su sentido profundo—.
“Angelina.” And there was another reason too (he was superstitiously convinced), though he hadn’t yet quite fathomed it.
Pues, mira por dónde, se equivocan, ya que Bill miró supersticiosamente hacia otro lado cuando retiró completamente el vendaje.
You would be mistaken, however, for Bill superstitiously looked elsewhere as he cast the bandage away.
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