Translation for "soplarlo" to english
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—¿Soplarle en la boca y todo eso?
Blow in his mouth and all that?
Tan ligero que bastaría con soplarle.
So light it almost blows away.
ella la miró con interés antes de soplarla.
she looked at it with interest before blowing it off her with a gust of breath.
Las echó al brasero y se arrodilló para soplarlas.
He dumped them into the brazier and knelt beside it, blowing on them.
debe soplarlo tres veces. El hombre tiene miedo.
blow it three times. The man is afraid.
También sirve para llamarlo, basta con soplarlo y él vendrá.
I can also use it to call him; all I have to do is blow and he will come.
A soplarle en el oído y susurrarle cosas disparatadas para hacerle reír.
Blow in his ear and whisper nonsense to make him laugh.
Le preocupaba que se quedara atascado en los bajíos y trató de soplarlo más lejos.
She worried it would get stuck in the shallows, and tried to blow it farther out.
Describió una especie de aspiradora capaz de soplarle a un hombre como si eso fuera la felicidad.
He described a kind of vacuum capable of blowing into a man, like that was happiness.
Tengo que soplarlas antes de metérmelas en la boca para ahuyentar unas hormigas diminutas.
I have to blow tiny sugar ants from each before putting it in my mouth.
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