Translation for "escupirle" to english
Translation examples
¡Escupirle a tus padres...!
Spit your parents'...!
¡¿Escupirle en un ojo? !
Spit in his eye?
- Aquí, escupirla. - [Tos, sibilancias]
Here, spit it out.
ellos también escupirla.
- Escupirla. ¿Quién fue?
- Spit it out. Who was it?
Bueno, joder, escupirlo.
Well, fucking spit it out.
- Permiso para escupirle también?
- Permission to spit back?
Trata de escupirlo.
Try and spit it out.
Todos deberíamos escupirle.
We should all spit.
¿Hablas de escupirlo?
You talk about spitting it?
¿Escupirles hasta que se ahoguen?
Spit at them till they drown?
No puede escupirlo.
He cannot spit it out.
Uno de ellos acaba de escupirle.
One of them just spit on him.
No hasta escupirle a la cara.
Not until I spit in his face.
Y no podía escupirlas.
I could not spit them out.
Volvió a escupirlos en el vaso.
She spit it back into the glass.
a los imbéciles dedicados a la causa, y escupirles
The dedicated imbeciles, and spit
¡Puaaaj! Tuve que escupirla otra vez.
Arrrragh! I had to spit it out.
spit on him
Al cabo de un tiempo, la gente deja de escupirle.
After a while, people stop spitting on him.
—Quiero escupirle en la cara, Owen, eso es lo que haré.
"I want to spit on him, Owen, that's what.
Sería capaz de escupirle antes de reconocer que le había salvado el pellejo.
She’d spit on him before ever acknowledging that he’d saved her snarly ass.
Pocos, muy pocos, iban a escupirle y a maldecirle por haber perdido la guerra.
A few, very few, came to spit on him and curse him for having lost the war.
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