Translation for "se redujo a" to english
Se redujo a
  • was reduced to
  • it was reduced to
Translation examples
was reduced to
También se redujo el número de campamentos operativos.
The number of operational camps was also reduced.
Se redujo la suma máxima.
The maximum fee was reduced.
En 1998, la población se redujo a 3.500 habitantes.
By 1998, it was reduced to 3,500.
En consecuencia, se redujo el proyecto de presupuesto.
Accordingly, the budget estimate was reduced.
El Tribunal de Apelación redujo la pena.
The court of appeal then reduced the sentence.
El asegurador redujo el costo de la prima.
Cost of premium was reduced by the insurer.
Esto redujo las necesidades generales de equipo.
This reduced overall equipment requirements.
Se redujo al 0,9%
Reduced to 0.9%
Lebensborn se redujo a un albergue para mujeres que habían transgredido las normas de la moral alemana. solo evitando la perdida de la sangre aria por el aborto.
Lebensborn was reduced to a shelter for woman... who had transgressed the dictates of German morality, preventing Aryan blood from being lost to abortion.
Su sentencia se redujo a 10 años ...a cambio de testificar contra otros ejecutivos de Enron.
His sentence was reduced to ten years in exchange for testifying against other Enron executives.
La oficina de la SEC de Manejo de Riesgo se redujo a un personal de, ¿dijo usted una persona?
The SEC office of risk managment... was reduce to a staff, did you say, of one?
Su poderoso reino se redujo a un páramo desolado que ha permanecido en ese estado hasta hoy en día.
His mighty kingdom was reduced to a wasteland and has remained that way till this very day.
La raza humana se redujo a menos de 50000 personas... apretados dentro de una flota protegida sólo por Galactica.
The human race was reduced to less than 50 000 people cramed into a ragtag fleet of ships and protected only by the Battlestar Galactica.
Se redujo a mala conducta sexual.
It was reduced to a sexual misconduct.
Kishen se redujo a la cocinero Kumar.
Kishen was reduced to Kitchen Kumar.
Nuestra patria se redujo a la esclavitud, nos trataron como si fueramos ganado.
Our fatherland was reduced to slavery, we were treated like cattle.
El cargo se redujo a alteración del orden público que es un delito civil, no un crimen.
The charge was reduced to disorderly conduct which is a civil offense, not a crime.
Aquí pasé de ... todo este dinero y esta magnífica finca y todo lo demás involucrados, y, de repente, que se redujo a vivir en un armario de ropa.
Here I went from... all this money and this magnificent estate and everything else involved, and all of a sudden I was reduced to living in a clothes closet.
Scudi redujo la velocidad.
Scudi reduced the throttle.
el agente redujo el volumen.
the agent reduced the volume.
Entonces reduje los impuestos.
I then reduced taxes.
El penacho redujo la visibilidad a la nada.
The plume reduced visibility to zero.
—Tomansio redujo la velocidad—.
Shit, Tomansio reducing their speed.
Reduje considerablemente la velocidad;
I reduced the speed considerably;
La apelación redujo la pena a cinco.
On appeal it was reduced to five.
¡Ésa era su fuerza, y con ella me redujo!
That was her power, and how it reduced me!
Reinó sobre ella, la redujo y la remodeló.
Ruled her, reduced and remade her.
La visibilidad se redujo a la distancia de un escupitajo.
Visibility was reduced to spitting distance.
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