Translation for "se pasa horas" to english
Translation examples
Michael pasa horas con Simone.
Michael spends hours with Simone.
Pasa horas clasificando todos los dibujos.
She spends hours arranging the drawings.
Gente que se pasa horas vigilándolos y siguiendo su rastro.
who spend hours watching them and tracking them;
Charlotte se pasa horas esperando a que aparezca Alfred.
Charlotte spends hours hoping that Alfred will turn up.
Pasa horas hecho un ovillo, gimiendo de dolor.
He spends hours curled up into a ball, moaning with pain.
Se pasa horas absorbido por la lectura y la escritura.
He spends hours at it every day. He is absorbed in his reading and writing.
Pasa horas rezando y penando por asesinos a los que no conoce de nada.
He spends hours in prayer and grieves for murderers he’s never met.
—Su cobertizo. Se pasa horas allí y luego sale oliendo a... —¿A qué?
"His shed. He spends hours in there and then comes out smelling of . "Of what?"
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