Translation for "se opuso a" to english
Translation examples
La delegación de México se opuso a ese intento.
The delegation of Mexico opposed this attempt.
Argelia se opuso también a esta solución.
Algeria had again opposed that solution.
Corea del Sur se opuso al Acuerdo de Armisticio.
South Korea opposed the Armistice Agreement.
La defensa no se opuso.
The defence did not oppose this request.
La sala se opuso mayoritariamente a esta sugerencia.
However, that suggestion was widely opposed.
Ningún Estado Miembro se opuso a la ampliación.
No Member State opposed expansion.
Otra delegación se opuso a esta postura.
Another delegation opposed this position.
Se nos opuso la mayoría.
We were opposed, in principle, by a majority.
El Ministerio de Salud se opuso asimismo a la propuesta.
The proposal was also opposed by the Ministry of Health.
La verdad es que me opuse.
In fact, I opposed it.
Se opuso al aborto.
You were opposed to abortion.
Se opuso a ella desde el principio.
He opposed it from the beginning.
Pero su mujer se opuso.
His wife, however, opposed it.
Joel Tuck se opuso.
Joel Tuck was opposed.
—Al contrario —se opuso dócilmente—.
he opposed docilely.
Fui yo quien se opuso a la amputación.
I was the one who opposed amputation.
Y no sólo me opuse.
And I didn’t only oppose them.
pero Elizabeth se opuso enérgicamente.
but Elizabeth steadily opposed the scheme.
se opuso a Bumedián desde su exilio marroquí.
he opposed Boumedienne from his Moroccan exile.
Gideon había visto a John Hewson en los Debates de Putney, donde se opuso a los niveladores.
Gideon had seen John Hewson at the Putney Debates, where he opposed the Levellers.
Está claro que se opuso a la relación desde el principio y se enfadó mucho cuando se celebró la boda sin su consentimiento.
It is clear that he opposed the relationship from the outset and was deeply angry when the marriage took place without his knowledge.
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