Translation for "que gravemente herido" to english
Translation examples
Un agente murió y el otro resultó gravemente herido.
One officer died, while the other was seriously injured.
Nueve personas resultaron gravemente heridas.
Nine persons were seriously injured.
Muchas otras personas resultaron gravemente heridas.
Many other people were seriously injured.
El autor pudo escapar, pero su hermano fue gravemente herido.
The author managed to flee, but his brother was seriously injured.
Un agente resulta muerto, otro gravemente herido.
One officer killed, one officer seriously injured.
Algunos más resultaron gravemente heridos.
Several others have been seriously injured.
Otras dos personas resultaron gravemente heridas.
Two others were seriously injured.
Dos de los monjes resultaron gravemente heridos.
Two monks were seriously injured.
Su madre resultó gravemente herida.
His mother was seriously injured.
Julio resultó gravemente herido y estuvo cerca de la muerte.
Julio was seriously injured and was near death.
Está más gravemente herido que tú.
He is more seriously injured than you.
Werner fue pisoteado, pero no resultó gravemente herido.
Werner was trampled, but not seriously injured.
Lo único que sé es que está gravemente herido.
All I know is that he’s seriously injured.”
—Cierto, pero no quiero resultar gravemente herida.
"You did, but I don't want to be seriously injured.
No se preocupe por eso, no parecía estar gravemente herida.
There’s no need to be concerned about that. She didn’t seem seriously injured
Estaba seguro de que moriría o que como mínimo quedaría gravemente herida.
I was sure she was killed or at the least seriously injured.
La próxima vez alguien podría resultar gravemente herido.
Next time someone might be seriously injured.
Afortunadamente, no volaba muy alto, así que no resulté gravemente herido.
Luckily, it had not been flying very high, so I was not seriously injured.
May Chidiac resultó gravemente herida
May Chidiac seriously wounded
Otro hombre resultó gravemente herido por disparos en Naplusa.
Another man was seriously wounded by gunshots in Nablus.
Estaban gravemente heridos y sangraban profusamente.
They were seriously wounded and bleeding profusely.
Como consecuencia de este atentado resultó gravemente herido.
He was seriously wounded as a result of the attack.
Un pasajero resultó gravemente herido.
One passenger was seriously wounded.
Cuatro civiles resultaron gravemente heridos.
Four civilians were seriously wounded.
Un soldado noruego resultó muerto y otro gravemente herido.
A Norwegian soldier was killed and another seriously wounded.
El joven resultó gravemente herido.
The youth was seriously wounded.
Uno de los soldados resultó muerto y el otro gravemente herido.
One of the soldiers was killed and the other seriously wounded.
Travis Wright resultó gravemente herido.
Travis Wright was seriously wounded.
Y que otros ocho están gravemente heridos.
How eight more of those soldiers are seriously wounded.
Conor Larkin estaba gravemente herido.
Conor Larkin had been seriously wounded.
Ross, confío en que no estarás gravemente herido.
I trust you’re not seriously wounded, Ross.
En la lucha Ryan resultó gravemente herido.
Ryan himself was seriously wounded in the exchange.
Kara estaba viva todavía, aunque gravemente herida.
Kara was alive, but seriously wounded.
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