Translation for "purificarse" to english
Translation examples
Nuestros fluidos deben purificarse.
It's our fluids that must be purified.
Deben purificarse y I! mpiar las oscuridades que nublan sus mentes.
You must purify yourselves and clean the darkness that clouds your minds.
¿Tu corazón necesita purificarse?
Does your heart need purifying?
Es la única manera que usted puede purificarse y su propio trabajo.
It's the only way that you can purify yourself and your own work.
Ha de purificarse, atender a su conciencia.
You need to purify yourself, listen to your conscience.
Lo que necesita la sociedad es purificarse a sí misma.
What society needs to do is purify itself.
Los mártires nadaban en el río San Lorenzo durante el invierno para purificarse.
The martyrs swam in the St. Lawrence during winter to purify themselves.
Para purificarse, supongo.
To purify herself, I suppose.
Ansiaba confesarse y purificarse;
He felt the urge to confess and purify himself.
Les dice cómo purificarse.
He is telling them how to purify themselves.
Supone que es también una forma de purificarse.
It’s also a way of purifying himself, of course.
Muchos de nosotros tendremos que morir para que pueda purificarse el santuario.
Dozens of us will have to die before the Sanctum is purified.
Una mujer nacida del pecado debe purificarse.
“A woman born in sin has to be cleansed, she has to be purified.”
Deseaban purificarse, despojarse de la suciedad del materialismo y la avaricia.
They yearned to purify themselves, to shed the dreck of materialism and greed.
Su apetito no parecía corresponder al de un hombre qtle vuelve de purificarse el hígado.
His appetite was scarcely that of a man with a purified liver.
Daban ganas de irse a la iglesia a oler incienso y purificarse.
They made you want to go to church, inhale incense, and be purified.
¿Era aquello lo que Quijote, a base de purificarse, le iba a dar cuando llegara a ella?
Was that what Quichotte, purifying himself, was coming toward her to give her?
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