Translation for "pueril" to english
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Translation examples
Por ejemplo, durante el período a que se refiere el presente informe se llevó a cabo una campaña contra el vandalismo (lema: “el vandalismo es tan pueril”).
During the reporting period, for example, there was a campaign against vandalism (slogan: "vandalism is so childish").
El 20 de mayo de 2009, un alto colaborador del Primer Ministro israelí consideró el principio "una idea frívola y pueril".
On 20 May 2009, a top aide of Israel's Prime Minister called the principle "a frivolous, childish idea".
Soy consciente de lo avanzado de la hora, pero juzgué necesario responder a las acusaciones pueriles que se hicieron.
I know that the hour is late, but I deemed it necessary to reply to the childish allegation that was made.
Estás siendo pueril.
You're being childish.
Bonito, pero pueril.
Nice, but childish.
Eres tan pueril.
You are so fucking childish.
Ha sido inmadura, pueril.
Yes, she was immature, childish.
Desecha tus necesidades pueriles.
Cast away your childish needs.
Yo iba a decir pueril.
I was gonna say childish.
Ahora resulta pueril.
They seem so childish now.
¡Tanta pena pueril!
Such childish grief!
En serio, madre, qué pueril.
Seriously, Mother, it's childish.
Usaban códigos pueriles.
They have used childish code words.
Hay algo pueril en todos ellos.
There is something childish in them all.
Hubiera sido demasiado pueril.
The thing was too childish.
Era tan pueril como ella;
He was as childish as she;
Era una reacción pueril.
He was getting childish.
—No seas tan pueril.
‘You are so childish.’
A veces es un poco pueril.
At times he’s a little childish.
Qué pregunta tan pueril.
What a childish question.
Es algo demasiado pueril para decirlo.
It is too childish for words.
Esta pueril pretensión suya es ridícula.
This childish pretense is ridiculous.
Huelga destacar, a ese respecto, que cualquier comparación de la Alemania actual con la Alemania nazi está tan fuera de lugar que resulta nimia y pueril.
In this connection there is no need to emphasize that any comparison between modern Germany and Nazi Germany is so shocking as to be meaningless and puerile.
Cuando, además, entran en juego consideraciones financieras y pasiones, la cuestión adquiere proporciones exageradas: es inútil y pueril comparar la situación con la de la Alemania nazi.
When considerations of finance and passion were added, the question assumed exaggerated proportions: it was meaningless and puerile to compare the situation with that of Nazi Germany.
Es tan pueril.
It's so puerile.
Eso es tan pueril.
That is so puerile.
- Me llamó "pueril."
- She called me "puerile."
pueril, e ignorantona!
puerile, ignorant mind!
S�, totalmente pueril...
Yes -- Totally puerile...
Sí, es totalmente pueril.
Oh, yeah, it's totally puerile.
No seas pueril.
Don't be puerile.
Eso fue realmente pueril.
That was truly puerile.
De hecho, pueril.
In fact, puerile.
¡Tu respuesta es pueril!
Your response is puerile!
ella lo consideró una estupidez pueril.
she judged it stupid and puerile.
Me consumía un terror pueril.
I was consumed with puerile fear.
—Entierra mi… Es un poco pueril, ¿no?
“Bury My … It’s a bit puerile, isn’t it?”
Por su parte, se disuelve en tautologías pueriles.
Instead, it dissolves into puerile tautology.
Débiles farfulleos y arranques pueriles.
Soft gibberings and puerile thrusts.
Era maravilloso, de tan pueril y pícaro.
It was delicious because it was puerile and naughty.
Este pueril discurso fue aplaudido estruendosamente.
This puerile speech was applauded vociferously.
Pero había alguna protesta pueril brotando de él.
But there was some puerile protest left in him.
Vuestro profesor de Glee Club favorito, ¡el pueril y maravilloso Sr. Cory Radinson!
Your favorite glee club instructor, the dreamy and boyish Mr. Cory Radison!
Pero el aspecto pueril que tengo ahora... Me temo que desaparecieron.
But those... boyish good looks that I now possess they're all gone, I'm afraid.
¡Qué tonto y qué pueril había sido!
How silly, how boyish that had been.
Sus modales parecían pueriles, alegres y excitados.
His manner was boyish and happy and excited.
No experimentaba sensación alguna de diversión pueril.
I experienced no sense of boyish self-amusement.
Sacó a relucir una expresión pueril y respetuosa.
He groped for a boyish and dutiful expression and presented it to me.
Cuando estaba de buen humor, fruncía los ojos de forma pueril.
Humor made boyish crinkles at the corners of his eyes.
De la noche a la mañana se había despojado de su torpeza pueril;
In one night he had thrown off his boyish clumsiness;
—exclamó Boling en tono de admiración sincera y un tanto pueril—.
Boling said with some boyish, and genuine, reverence in his voice.
Hablaba con una pueril vehemencia que Marianne no parecía comprender.
He spoke with a boyish vehemence Marianne didn't seem to understand.
El padre Garnette soltó una risa franca y extraordinariamente pueril.
Father Garnette gave a frank and dreadfully boyish laugh.
Con gran sorpresa de Jack, Bresach sonrió ampliamente, con semblante satisfecho, pueril.
Surprisingly, Bresach grinned, boyish, teasing, satisfied.
Él es un poco pueril, usted sabe.
He's a little babyish, you know.
Al principio, el cubo solo me dio una pueril definición de lo que significaba la palabra, pero no me habló de en qué modo guardaba relación con los planes de Ludmilla de expansión cósmica.
At first, all the cube would give me was a babyish definition of what the word meant, not how it related to Ludmilla’s plans for cosmic expansion.
Proviene de la vociferante y atemorizada infancia de nuestra especie, y es una tentativa pueril de hacer frente a nuestra ineludible exigencia de conocimiento (así como de comodidad, tranquilidad y demás necesidades infantiles).
It comes from the bawling and fearful infancy of our species, and is a babyish attempt to meet our inescap- able demand for knowledge (as well as for comfort, reassurance, and other infantile needs).
Era bajo y gordo, y cubría su cabeza, oblonga y casi calva, con unos pocos cabellos que no hacían más que acentuar su calvicie y darle un aspecto de vulnerabilidad pueril. —Discúlpeme, señor Windross.
He was short and wide and covered his nearly bare, oblong scalp with a few long strands of hair, which did nothing but emphasize its bareness, a babyish vulnerability. "Excuse me, Mr. Windross?"
era un chico moreno, serio y formal, un niño pensativo que nunca había sido pueril como su hermanito. Muy serios, besaron a su madre, a la abuela y al abuelo y, al sonar la campanilla, las criadas trajeron el té en preciosas tazas de porcelana y servicio de plata.
he was dark, sober, and composed, a thoughtful little boy who’d never been babyish like his young brother, They kissed their mother and Granny and Grandpa dutifully and then, in response to the belipull, the maids brought high tea, with the best china teacups and silver pots.
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