Translation for "privaron" to english
Translation examples
Además, lo privaron de alimentos.
He was also deprived of food.
Esos ataques privaron a las familias ampliadas que vivían allí de refugio y de una parte importante de sus bienes.
These attacks deprived the extended families living there of shelter and of a significant part of their property.
Por otro lado, las medidas se privaron de cualquier carácter vengativo disociándolas de las penas reducidas.
Whereas liberty depriving measures were separated from the retributive concepts by separating them from alleviated sanctions.
En Bagram, denuncia que lo amenazaron, lo sometieron a malos tratos y le privaron del sueño hasta tres días seguidos;
At Bagram, he was reportedly threatened and subjected to illtreatment and sleep deprivation for up to three days at a time;
Las autoridades israelíes privaron a estos detenidos de un tratamiento médico adecuado, y con frecuencia los medicamentos se limitaban a analgésicos.
Israeli authorities deprived these detainees of adequate medical treatment, and medication was often limited to pain killers only.
Le metieron la cabeza en agua con excrementos, lo privaron de comida y lo amenazaron de muerte.
His head was pushed into water with excreta and he was deprived of food and threatened with death.
Nos privaron de comida y bebida y nos interrogaron." (Ibíd.)
We were deprived of food and drink and questioned." (Ibid.)
Más tarde, dijeron que no podía tener industria siderúrgica, y privaron al Irán de esta industria.
Then they said Iran could not have a steel factory, and they deprived Iran of a steel factory.
En 2007, los tribunales privaron a 4.760 padres de la patria potestad (4.344 padres en 2006).
In 2007, 4,760 parents were deprived of parental rights by the courts, compared to 4,344 in 2006.
Pero, lamentablemente pronto nos privaron hasta del pequeño consuelo de llorar juntos.
But, alas! we were soon deprived of even the small comfort of weeping together.
Lo libraron de la investigación del caso y le privaron de su cargo.
He was relieved of the investigation and deprived of his office.
Nos privaron de esas películas que él iba a hacer y podría haber hecho.
Deprived us of those movies He would do and could have done.
Me privaron de comer me expusieron a electroshock privación de los sentidos.
They starved me, subjected me to electroshock, sensory deprivation.
Me privaron de la vida durante los últimos 23 años.
Deprived me of live for the past 23 years.
Me golpearon. Repetidamente me privaron del sueño.
I was beaten... repeatedly deprived of sleep.
Los interrogatorios en los que... me golpearon y me privaron de la comida y del sueño...
The interrogations when I was... beaten, deprived of sleep and... and food.
Estoy segura de que esas manos tambien privaron a muchos de sus vidas.
I am sure those hands have deprived many of their lives.
La privaron de una opción médica crucial porque su médico no estaba de acuerdo con ella.
She was deprived of crucial medically relevant option... because her doctor did not approve obit.
Creo que a mi hija la privaron severamente de dormir... como resultado del estrés y la sobrecarga de trabajo.
I believe that my daughter was hugely sleep deprived as a result of both stress and workload.
Y también lo privaron de su mejor amigo.
And deprived him of his best friend.
Por desgracia, las circunstancias nos privaron de ellas.)
Unfortunately, circumstances would deprive us of them.)
Simplemente la privaron del honor de transportar más posesiones de Noth.
She was deprived of the honor of carrying any more of Noth's things.
Los guerreros catos me privaron de volver a ver a mi hijo.
Chatti warriors deprived me of ever seeing my child.
Como castigo, le privaron de todos los productos de economato, incluidos por supuesto los libros.
He has been deprived of all commissaries, including, of course, his books.
La incredulidad, en pugna con el asombro, la ira y el asco, me privaron temporalmente de la facultad del habla.
Incredulity, struggling with astonishment, anger, and disgust, deprived me for a time of the power of speech.
Cuando emigró, los académicos sicofantes de la Universidad de Bonn le privaron de su doctorado honorífico.
When he emigrated, the sycophantic academics of the University of Bonn deprived him of his honorary doctorate.
Se encontraba en desventaja pues, cuando le concedieron la mortalidad, no le privaron de sus atributos divinos.
He was at a disadvantage, because when they gave him mortality, they did not deprive him of all his divine attributes.
Su mayor arrepentimiento es que privaron a sus seguidores de la verdad, y confiesan que hablaron y escribieron, no por vicio, sino por ceguera.
Their deepest regret is that they deprived their followers of the truth, and they confess that they spoke and wrote, not out of viciousness, but out of blindness.
Si pudiera poner las manos sobre los que lo privaron de ver crecer a su hijo…, de estar a su lado cuando este lo había necesitado…
If he could only lay hands on the ones who’d deprived him of seeing his son grow up.
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