Translation for "perseguir su" to english
Perseguir su
  • chase your
  • pursue their
Translation examples
chase your
Tenías que ir a perseguir su sueño.
You had to go chase your dream.
El tiempo que pasa entre el momento en que la gente ofrece comida y el momento en que la trae es tan largo que parece que podrías perseguir un gato, perseguir un coche, olisquear a todos los perros de tu territorio, perseguirte la cola hasta marearte, tumbar muchos botes de comida nauseabunda e incluso dormir un rato.
The time from when people seem to be going to give you food until when they really do give it to you is always so long that it seems like you could chase a cat, chase a car, sniff out every other dog in the territory, chase your tail until you're dizzy, turn over lots of cans full of sickmaking food, and maybe sleep a while and still have to wait before they come back with what you can eat.
pursue their
El programa perseguirá dos resultados clave.
The programme will pursue two key results.
Tenemos que perseguir este objetivo de manera sistemática y progresiva.
We are to pursue it systematically, progressively.
Este es el objetivo que tenemos que perseguir todos juntos.
This is the objective we have to pursue jointly.
La conferencia convino en perseguir los objetivos que más abajo se exponen.
The conference agreed to pursue the following goals:
Para conseguirlo, deberá perseguir objetivos que:
In order to achieve this goal, the Policy shall pursue objectives that:
Perseguir: detener los ataques terroristas;
Pursue - To stop terrorist attacks
No existe obstáculo alguno para perseguir el autoblanqueo.
There are no obstacles to pursuing self-laundering.
No se debe perseguir la sistematización a costa de la flexibilidad.
Systematization should not be pursued at the expense of flexibility.
Los Estados Unidos están firmemente decididos a perseguir ese objetivo.
The United States is firmly committed to pursuing that goal.
Debemos perseguir juntos todos esos objetivos.
We shall pursue all these objectives together.
Estos cocineros amateurs con talento están arriesgando todo para perseguir su pasión.
(Female announcer) These talented home cooks risked it all to pursue their passion.
Como sea, el tambien esta ofreciendo cien mil a las personas dispuestas a saltarse o abandonar la universidad para perseguir su idea.
Anyway, he's also offering a hundred k to people willing to skip or drop out of college to pursue their idea.
El mundo está trastornado porque no se le permite a la gente ejercer su propósito conocer y perseguir su propósito.
And the world is out of kilter Because people aren't allowed to exercise their purpose, Meet and pursue their purpose.
Sin embargo, si fuera a compartir mi opinión como ciudadana de Corea del Sur... en lugar de prometer el cese de las pruebas nucleares... creo que deberíamos perseguir su promesa del desarme nuclear.
However, if I were to share my opinion as a citizen of South Korea... rather than securing a promise for ceasing the nuclear testing... I believe we should pursue their promise for nuclear disarmament.
Es el último día de las audiciones como el último de los cocineros del hogar de todo el país llegará listo para perseguir su sueño culinario.
It's the final day of the auditions as the last of the home cooks from across the country arrive ready to pursue their culinary dream.
18 cocineros caseros talento arriesgan todo para perseguir su sueño.
18 talented home cooks risk it all to pursue their dream.
Pensamos que nos iban a perseguir. —¿Perseguir?
We thought we might be pursued.” “Pursued?”
No había sueños que perseguir.
No dreams to pursue.
Les daba algo que perseguir.
It gave them something to pursue.
perseguirá, hasta que encuentren,
she will pursue, until they meet,
Mordred no nos perseguirá hasta allí.
‘Mordred won’t pursue us there.’
Vamos a perseguir al fugitivo.
We are going to pursue the fugitive;
No había tiempo para perseguir a Colanos.
There was no time to pursue the fleeing Kolanos.
Yo mismo perseguiré a la mujer.
I myself will pursue the woman.
Perseguir ciertos pensamientos.
‘I’m pursuing certain thoughts.
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