Translation for "mechones de pelo" to english
Translation examples
Un mechón de pelo, una huella, ¡un simple roce!
A strand of hair, a footprint, or just a touch!
Una peluca, un mechón de pelo.
A wig, a few strands of hair.
Un mechón de pelo incomodaba su ojo derecho.
A strand of hair was bothering her right eye.
Comienza con lo del mechón de pelo.
Start with a strand of hair.
Se me cayó un mechón de pelo ¿Puedo recogerlo?
I dropped a strand of hair may I pick it up?
Parece un mechón de pelo.
Appears to be a strand of hair.
Quítale un mechón de pelo o algo así.
Steal a strand of hair or something.
¿qué edad tiene este mechón de pelo ahora?
How old is this strand of hair now?
Los mechones de pelo te cubren el rostro.
"The strands of hair fly Across your face..."
dibujaba círculos con un mechón de pelo.
she made circles with a strand of hair.
Se enroscó un mechón de pelo en el dedo.
She twisted a strand of hair around a finger.
Le cayó un mechón de pelo sobre la cara.
A strand of hair fell across her face.
Se apartó de los ojos un grasiento mechón de pelo.
She flicked at greasy strands of hair.
Le apartó un mechón de pelo de la cara.
She moved a strand of hair from the girl’s face.
Se acaricia distraídamente el rebelde mechón de pelo.
She brushes absently at the unruly strand of hair.
—Se llevó un mechón de pelo detrás de la oreja—.
She tucked a strand of hair behind an ear.
—Le aparté unos mechones de pelo de los ojos—.
I brushed a few strands of hair out of his eyes.
Ella se colocó un mechón de pelo detrás de la oreja.
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
¡Ahora todos los mechones de pelo de mi cuerpo son iguales!
Now all the tufts of hair on my body will look the same!
Tenía pesadillas, me mordía las uñas, me arrancaba mechones de pelo.
I had nightmares. I bit my nails. I pulled out tufts of hair.
Quedó un diminuto mechón de pelo en mi parachoques.
Tapped him. There was one little, little tuft of hair on my bumper.
¿Sabes que pasé esta mañana midiendo una columna espinal con un mechón de pelo?
Do You Know I Spent This Morning Fitting A Spinal Column With A Tuft Of Hair?
Un mechón de pelo de una yegua sarnosa!
A tuft of hair from a mangy mare!
Me queda la voz y unos mechones de pelo.
I still have my voice, and a few tufts of hair;
Tenía mechones de pelo levantados como si estuvieran asustados.
He yawned, tufts of hair standing up in apparent alarm.
En la otra, agarrándola por un mechón de pelo, sostenía una cabeza cortada.
In the other, gripping it by a tuft of hair, he held a severed head.
Empuja dentro de mi boina un mechón de pelo que se ha salido. —Estoy bien.
He prods a tuft of hair into my hat. ‘I’m all right.’
Los ojos, muy juntos, asomaban bajo unos espesos mechones de pelo.
They were set close together and peered out from under thick tufts of hair.
Sus delicados dedos debajo de sus mechones de pelo oscuro atrajeron mi mirada.
My gaze was drawn to his fingers, so delicate beneath the dark tufts of hair.
Los mechones de pelo en los costados de la pecosa calva reluciente parecían las alas de un cisne.
The ample tufts of hair flanking his freckled pate resembled swan wings.
Luego me afeito los laterales, mientras los mechones de pelo me caen sobre los hombros y en la pila.
I buzz each side, letting tufts of hair fall on my shoulders and into the sink.
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