Translation for "más incontrolable" to english
Más incontrolable
Translation examples
more uncontrollable
Antes al contrario, cada día se hacía más fuerte, más insistente, más incontrolable.
Rather, it grew stronger, more insistent, more uncontrollable.
Nuestros apetitos, nuestros deseos, nuestras emociones más incontrolables, ¡son de los primates!
Our appetites, our desires, our more uncontrollable emotions – all are Primate!
Y cuando más incontrolable se hacía aquella obsesión, más la angustiaba el temor de la inminente derrota.
The more uncontrollable this obsession of Lolita's grew, the more anxious did she become with the fear of impending defeat.
La furia, más incontrolable porque le parecía hasta cierto punto irracional, hizo temblar la voz de Sandy.
  Rage, the more uncontrollable because she felt it was to some extent unreasonable, shook her voice.
Para mi asombro, se echó a reír, una risa extraña y aguda que cada vez se volvía más incontrolable. La abracé.
To my amazement she began to laugh, a weird, three-pronged laugh which became more and more uncontrollable.
La señora Charmond fue presa de un desmedido ataque de risa, que quizás la tristeza de la hora previa volvía más incontrolable aún.
She burst into an immoderate fit of laughter, her very gloom of the previous hour seeming to render it the more uncontrollable.
Su furia enloquecida era cada vez peor, más incontrolable, pues cada vez recordaba menos y vagaba más lejos;
His berserker rages were becoming worse, more uncontrollable. He remembered less each time and wandered farther;
Cuanto más se esforzaba Baal por describir su matrimonio con las doce «esposas del Profeta» con la mayor sencillez y naturalidad, más incontrolable se hacía la horrorizada hilaridad del auditorio.
The more honestly and simply Baal described his marriages to the twelve ‘wives of the Prophet’, the more uncontrollable became the horrified mirth of the audience.
Con todo, se han recibido informes de actos de tortura cometidos por elementos incontrolables.
Nevertheless, there have been reports of acts of torture committed by uncontrollable elements.
Comportamiento incontrolable
Uncontrollable Behaviour
Ese tipo de prostitución es prácticamente incontrolable.
The street prostitution scene is practically uncontrollable.
Estaba agitado e incontrolable.
He was agitated and uncontrollable.
Los primeros son a menudo incontrolables.
The former are often uncontrollable.
La destrucción y las consecuencias posteriores serán incontrolables.
Destruction and subsequent consequences will be uncontrollable;
Esos niños aprendieron a manejar armas y llegaron a ser incontrolables.
These children became uncontrollable at a given moment, having learned to handle weapons.
Recientemente, la migración ilícita ha adquirido proporciones enormes e incontrolables.
Illegal migration has recently taken on huge and uncontrollable proportions.
¡Esto es un caos incontrolable!
This is an uncontrollable riot!
Su rabia era incontrolable.
His rage grew uncontrolled.
Salvaje, sería incontrolable.
Wild, he would be uncontrollable.
Enorme, inmensa, incontrolable, devoradora, incontrolable, hambre. —Es lo que pasa —dice Mindy.
“Massive, immense, uncontrollable, consuming, uncontrollable, hunger.” “This is so,” says Mindy.
Nerviosa la nariz incontrolable.
The uncontrollable nose nervous.
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