Translation for "la campana" to english
La campana
Translation examples
A sus pies había campanas, palos, maracas.
Bells, sticks, rattles lay at his feet.
Si uno golpeaba una vaargh con un palo, sonaba como una campana metálica.
If you struck a vaargh with a stick, it rang like a metal bell.
– Cada hombre debe ceñirse a su campana sin interrupción -declaro, furiosa.
"Every man must stick to his bell without interruption," she said furiously.
«Cada hombre debe ceñirse a su campana sin interrupción», había dicho la señora Taylor.
"Every man must stick to his bell without interruption," Ms. Taylor had said.
– Cada hombre debe ceñirse a su campana -dijo sin aliento, y tiró de la cuerda.
"Every man must stick to his bell," he said breathlessly and yanked down on the rope.
Era un paquete marrón, alegrado no obstante con varios adhesivos navideños: campanas y hojas de acebo.
The package was brown paper and string, but livened up with some stick-on Christmas bells and holly.
Kaz golpeó los adoquines con el bastón mientras las campanas de la Iglesia del Trueque comenzaban a sonar.
Kaz struck his walking stick against the cobblestones as the bells from the Church of Barter began to chime.
Yo seguiré con el Campan, es malo mezclar. Aquí. Uno muy largo. Ahora otro, aquí. Good boy.
I’ll stick to the Campari, it’s not good to mix your drinks. Here. A long one. Now another one, here. Good boy.
«Todo hombre debe ceñirse a su campana sin interrupción.» No podemos poner a otra persona en medio de un recital aunque una de nosotras caiga.
"'Every man must stick to his bell without interruption.' It isn't as if we can put somebody else in halfway through if one of us suddenly keels over.
Las campaneras y Finch seguían con lo suyo, tocando los cambios uno tras otro en su orden determinado, doblando las rodillas y ceñidas a sus campanas, como Montoya a su trabajo.
The bellringers and Finch were still at it, ringing the changes one after another in their determined order, bending their knees and looking like Montoya, sticking to their bells.
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