Translation for "ir a toda velocidad" to english
Ir a toda velocidad
Translation examples
Al principio es un trote, pero después voy más rápido y más rápido, hasta que empiezo a ir a toda velocidad, dando todo lo que tengo.
At first it’s a jog, but then I go faster and faster, until I break into a full sprint, giving it everything I have.
Le quedaba una sola alternativa: ir a toda velocidad y confiar en no estrellarse antes de alcanzar la autovía 17, a no ser que esos dos se cansaran y la dejasen en paz. Su instinto le dijo que eso último no sucedería. Este vehículo no pretendía divertirse, sino amenazarla.
That left her only one thing to do, keep her speed up and hope that they wouldn’t crash before they reached the heavily traveled Highway 17, or that these two would tire of their game and leave her to go her way. But instinctually she knew that wasn’t going to happen. This was menacing, not playful. The two in the other car meant to hurt her.
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