Translation for "instalarlo" to english
Translation examples
El ejército del Estado Miembro pagó a su vez la suma al proveedor, el cual retuvo el equipo en lugar de instalarlo.
The Member State's forces in turn paid the amount to the vendor. The vendor, however, kept the equipment, instead of installing it.
Ha empezado a instalarlo en fases.
It has begun installation in phases.
Más del 75% de las empresas que contestaron dijeron que ya tenían acceso a la Internet o que estaban procediendo a instalarlo.
Over 75 per cent of the respondents either had Internet access or were in the process of having it installed.
El Ecuador indica que existió un esfuerzo por instalarlas en los países de la región, pero por problemas de vandalismo fueron retiradas.
Ecuador stated that there had been an attempt to install buoys in the countries of the region but that, owing to acts of vandalism, they had had to be withdrawn.
Antes de instalarlos, se ha de construir un emplazamiento específico dentro del edificio de conferencias para albergarlos.
Before installation, a specific site within the Conference Building must be constructed to house the facility.
El Tribunal de Arbitraje le concedió también los intereses sobre el precio de las máquinas devengados durante el período en que no pudo instalarlas ni utilizarlas.
The Arbitration Tribunal also granted the buyer the interest on the price of the machines for the period it could not install and use them.
Se ha ampliado la cobertura geográfica al instalarlo en el África oriental y meridional y en Asia.
Its geographic coverage has been extended by its installation in Eastern/Southern Africa and in Asia.
El demandado había aducido que el demandante tenía la obligación de entregar las mercaderías a los clientes del demandado y de instalarlas.
The defendant had argued that the appellant was under the obligation to deliver the goods to and install them for the defendant's clients.
e) Adquisición de grupos electrógenos adicionales para instalarlos en las oficinas nuevas y las trasladadas de lugar;
(e) The acquisition of additional generators for installation in new and relocated offices;
Luena carece de un sistema de abastecimiento de agua y tampoco hay planes para instalarlo.
There was no water supply system in Luena and no plans to install one.
Para instalarle el chip.
In order to install the chip.
Al parecer acaban de instalarla.
It looks like it was just installed.
Así que ¿por qué molestarse en instalarlo?
So why bother installing it?
Solo hay que enchufar el lápiz e instalarlo.
Just plug it in and install.
Ayer mismo acabaron de instalarlo.
The workmen finished installing it yesterday.
Recién acaban de instalarla.
We have just had them installed.
Podía instalarlos dormido.
He could install them in his sleep.
No tuvieron que instalarlas.
They didn't have to install them.
Así podrán instalarlas.
They can be installed.
"Me encantaría instalarlos."
"I'm happy to install."
Acabo de instalarlo.
- Ohh! - Just got this installed. Boop!
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