Translation for "inimitablemente" to english
Translation examples
Ella se asomó en el balcón, inimitablemente imitando el hipo de él y amigablemente invitándolo.
"She stood upon the balcony, inimitably mimicking him hiccuping and amicably welcoming him in."
—En realidad era a Kai a quien deseaban encontrar y a quien se dirigieron a su manera inimitablemente sucinta. —¿Qué ha ocurrido?
“It was Kai they wished to find and addressed in their inimitably succinct fashion.” “So, what has happened?
Era la tercera vez en tres días que Tam se desviaba de su ruta para hablar con ella, en su estilo inimitablemente torpe.
This was the third time in three days that Tam had gone out of his way to talk to her, in his inimitably clumsy fashion.
Aquella velada fue inimitablemente adolescente y, al fin y al cabo, nunca jamás volveré a vivir un rato así.
That evening had something inimitably teenage about it and, after all, I shall never see its like again.
Vestía su estilizada figura inimitablemente y aparecía a la vista como el colmo de la perfección, inmune a toda clase de comentarios.
She had seen that his fine thinness was inimitably fitted and presented itself to the eye as that final note of perfect line which ignores any possibility of comment.
Sólo algún tiempo antes habría intentado quizá imitar el acento sureño con que hablaban, como si no quisieran más que recordarse mutuamente alguna cosa en voz baja, o quizá la —sin embargo, inimitablemente cordial y nunca destinada a sí mismo, sino siempre desinteresada y dirigida a los otros— sonrisa del todavía muy joven Henry Fonda, que más de treinta años antes había interpretado al joven abogado Abraham Lincoln;
Only a short while before, I might have tried to imitate their backwoods accent, their manner of speaking as if their only purpose was to remind each other gently of something, or the inimitably warm smile—never put on for his own benefit but always selflessly addressed to others—of the young Henry Fonda, who more than thirty years before had played the role of the young lawyer Abraham Lincoln.
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