Translation for "había medido" to english
Había medido
Translation examples
Lo habían medido. ¿Qué habían comprobado?
They had measured him. What had they checked?
Lo había medido exactamente y no se peleaban nunca.
He had measured it exactly and they never quarreled.
Tenía claro qué necesitaban y había medido la habitación.
She had a sense of what they needed, and had measured the room.
Alguien había medido la garganta de una de las máquinas-tanques;
Someone had measured the throat of one of the tank machines;
El año pasado, papá la había medido con un rosal;
Last year Daddy had measured her by a rose-bush;
Había medido la inteligencia de aquellos seres basándose en los que él había visto.
He had measured their intelligence by those he had seen.
he had measured
Se había medido con otros adversarios mucho más fuertes y poderosos, y los había vencido.
He had measured himself against other opponents far more powerful and formidable to have some fear.
Había medido esta barra con cuidado y sabía que era más ancha que la ventana, y a pesar de que su superficie se hallaba oxidada, a Peter le pareció que en su interior aún debia ser resistente.
He had measured this bar carefully and knew it was wider than his window, and while its outer surface was rusted, he thought it was strong yet through the middle.
Noche y día había medido las dosis, usando todo el que necesitaba para mantener a raya los fantasmas y acallar las voces, y la sonrisa presta contra el odio constante de Caradoc y su familia.
Night and morning, he had measured the doses, using as much as he needed to keep the ghosts at bay and the voices quiet and his smile sharp against the constant loathing of Caradoc and his family. The longer they travelled and the closer they
Solía dejar a Phil tirado en la cama escribiendo cartas a Cecy sobre una caja volteada, mientras él salía a correr para paliar sus preocupaciones en una ruta de una milla que había medido en la arena aledaña a la pista.
He often left Phil sprawled on his bed, penning letters to Cecy on an upturned box, as he headed out to run off his worries on the mile-long course that he had measured in the sand around the runway.
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