Translation for "flores perfumadas" to english
Translation examples
"Puso veneno en las flores perfumadas"
Put poison in the scented flowers
La flor perfumada de la noche
The fragrant flower of night
Y los labios de Eurídice se entreabrieron con ansiedad... y la flor perfumada se abrió silenciosamente.
Eurydice's lips trembled anxiously, and her mouth opened slightly like a fragrant flower -
Ebrio entre esas flores perfumadas...
Drunk amongst those fragrant flowers...
Estrella Vespertina era como una flor perfumada.
She was like a fragrant flower.
Hombre, tienes entre manos una maravilla, una preciosidad, una flor perfumada, una joya, un…
Come on: you’ve got in your hands a wonder of nature, a gem, a sheer delight, a fragrant flower, a jewel of a—’
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