Translation for "final del discurso" to english
Final del discurso
Translation examples
El humo dio a su lengua un calmante mordisco amoroso. —Final del discurso —terminó—.
The smoke gave his tongue a soothing love-bite. “End of speech,” he finished.
end of the speech
No me detendré en los ataques ofensivos ad hóminem que oímos ayer al final del discurso del Pakistán.
I will not dwell on the offensive ad hominem attacks that we heard yesterday at the end of Pakistan's speech.
Ahora se acercaba al final del discurso.
He was nearing the end of his speech now.
Los pequeños exploradores indiferentes esperaban el final del discurso.
The bored scouts waited for the end of the speech.
–Me ha encantado ese trocito del final del discurso de Catulo. ¿A ti no?
"I loved that little bit at the end of Catulus's speech, didn't you?
Por tanto, al final del discurso también él recibió una salva de aplausos.
Thus at the end of his speech he too got a big roar of applause.
—No era un joven particularmente depravado o cínico, pero se rio un poco al final del discurso—. Está el marqués —añadió—.
He was not a particularly depraved or cynical young footman but he laughed a little at the end of his speech. “There’s the Marquis,” he added.
La voz del señor Blyth acostumbraba disminuir de intensidad gradualmente en vez de pararse al final del discurso que emitía;
Blyth's voice had the habit of fading away rather than coming to a stop at the end of a speech;
¡Eso!» y unos pocos murmullos desganados de asentimiento, el final del discurso fue recibido por un silencio casi tan sepulcral como el que lo había precedido.
and some desultory murmurs of assent, the end of his speech was met by a silence almost as deep as that which preceded it.
Urmila la alcanzó en la entrada, justo cuando en la sala estalló un aplauso, señalando el final del discurso de Phulboni.
Urmila caught up with her at the gates, at just the moment when a burst of applause sounded inside the auditorium, signalling the end of Phulboni’s speech.
—Sé muy bien, Chrysostome, que sus creencias no le permiten suicidarse, y que usted no sería capaz de algo así —pensaba decirle al final del discurso—.
‘I know full well, Chrysostome, that your beliefs would not allow you to kill yourself, and that you would be incapable of doing such a thing,’ he was thinking of saying at the end of his speech.
»Entonces el presidente de la peña comenzó a pronunciar el discurso que había que pronunciar antes de descubrir la cabeza, y durante todo el discurso, que iba acompañado de oles o golpes sobre la mesa, yo estuve mirando a Finito, que se valía, no de su servilleta, sino de la mía y se hundía más y más en el asiento, mirando con horror y como fascinado la cabeza del toro, todavía envuelta en su paño y que estaba en la pared frontera a él. »Hacia el final del discurso, Finito se puso a mover la cabeza a uno y a otro lado y a echarse cada vez más atrás en su asiento. »–¿Cómo va eso, chico? –le pregunté; pero, al mirarme, vi que no me reconocía; movía la cabeza a uno y otro lado, diciendo: "No.
            “So the president of the Club reached the end of the speech and then, with everybody cheering him, he stood on a chair and reached up and untied the cord that bound the purple shroud over the head and slowly pulled it clear of the head and it stuck on one of the horns and he lifted it clear and pulled it off the sharp polished horns and there was that great yellow bull with black horns that swung Way out and pointed forward, their white tips sharp as porcupine quills, and the head of the bull was as though he were alive; his forehead was curly as in life and his nostrils were open and his eyes were bright and he was there looking straight at Finito.             “Every one shouted and applauded and Finito sunk further back in the chair and then every one was quiet and looking at him and he said, ‘No.
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