Translation for "existir siendo" to english
Translation examples
No debe existir la percepción de que se está abandonando al pueblo afgano.
There must not be a perception that the Afghan people are being abandoned.
Nos centraremos en las condiciones necesarias para que ese mundo llegue a existir.
We will focus on the conditions necessary for such a world to come into being.
Son plenamente conscientes de la armonía que debe existir entre el ser humano y la naturaleza.
They are fully aware of the harmony that must prevail among human beings and nature.
El hombre tiene su vida física, sin la cual no puede existir.
Human beings have a physical life, without which they cannot exist.
Su eliminación es por el momento imposible por no existir incineradores.
Their disposal is, for the time being, impossible because there is no incinerator.
De existir tales medidas, sírvanse explicar cómo se aplican.
How are such measures, if any, being enforced?
Estos hechos indican que el riesgo de detención podía no existir ya entonces.
These facts indicate that she might not have been in danger of being arrested even then.
Una razón para existir.
A reason for being.
era una carga, eso de existir.
it was a burden, this being business.
El Universo empezó a existir.
The Universe came into being.
El horror de no existir lo poseía.
The horror of not-being possessed him.
Les pedimos que dejen de existir.
We're asking them to cease being.
Es grandeza, sólo por el hecho de existir.
It is grandeur, just by being.
Y ante todo, ¿cómo llegó a existir?
And, first of all, how did it come into being?
Y simplemente ese existir le producía un gran placer.
And simple being is pleasure.
no tiene otro valor que el de existir aquí y ahora.
has only the value of being now.
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