Translation for "estar esperando" to english
Estar esperando
Translation examples
Yorkin, Lux y la falsa Rita esperando.
Yorkin, Lux and phony Rita cooling their heels.
Me quedé callado un momento, esperando a que se calmase.
I was silent a moment, letting him cool down.
Agarré la mía y la puse sobre la mesa esperando que se enfriara.
I reached for mine and set it down in front of me for it to cool.
Se había tomado la pócima y estaban esperando a que le bajara la fiebre.
He had taken the draft and they were waiting to see his fever cool.
—¿Y no se calmó mientras estuvo esperando allí sentada con el arma en la mano?
Didn't she cool down while she was sitting there with the gun?
—Te está esperando —la doctora pone un dedo frío en mi muñeca.
“He’s waiting for you.” She lays a cool finger upon my wrist.
Julio paseaba por el palco en el frescor de la tarde esperando a que Servilia volviera.
    In the coolness of the evening, Julius paced the box waiting for Servilia to arrive.
Bismarck estaba esperando en la puerta del cementerio, con un aspecto frío y satisfecho cuando llegamos.
Bismarck was waiting at the lychgate looking cool and smug when we arrived.
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