Translation for "espesar" to english
Translation examples
Algunas texturas alcalinas puede espesar con el tiempo.
Some alkaline textures can thicken over time.
La sangre se te espesará...
Your blood will thicken.
Maicena, dicen que se usa para espesar una salsa.
! Cornflour, you use it to thicken a sauce, say.
¿Por qué querrías espesar una salsa?
Why would you want to thicken a sauce?
Siento la trama a punto de espesar.
I feel the plot about to thicken.
Eso espesará tu guiso.
Should thicken up your stew.
Luego dejas espesar La salsa durante 10 minutos.
Then you let the sauce thicken for about 10 minutes.
Solo le faltaba un agente que la espesara.
Just needed a little thickening agent, you know what I'm talking about.
La va a aislar, a desmenuzar, a espesar... y lo va a expulsar.
It is going to isolate, to crumble, to thicken... and will expel it.
Se os espesará la sangre.
It will thicken your blood.
El guiso tenía grumos de la harina para espesar.
The stew was lumpy with the thickening flour.
Si se podía espesar la gasolina con sangre, seguramente se podía espesar con otras sustancias más fáciles de obtener.
He agreed. If petrol could be thickened with blood, it could also be thickened with a dozen other agents easier to get hold of.
Lo trajo a casa para espesar el estofado de la noche.
She brought it home to thicken the evening stew.
Había aprendido cómo retorcer y espesar la trama.
She had learned how to twist and thicken the plot.
Se puede espesar la gasolina con jabón, huevos o sangre.
You can thicken petrol with soap, eggs or blood.
Quizá debamos usar sales ferrosas para espesar el aire.
Perhaps we will even use firesalt to thicken the air.
Lo que significa espesar la atmósfera, lo que significa terraformar. —Lo sé.
Which means thickening the atmosphere, which means terraforming.” “I know.”
El sol se estaba poniendo gordo y rojo, y la niebla empezaba a espesar.
The sun was getting fat and red, and the mists were beginning to thicken.
Intentó liberarse, pero el mantillo orgánico empezó a espesar y a solidificarse.
He tried to break free, but the organic mulch began to thicken and solidify.
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