Translation for "espada colgada" to english
Espada colgada
Translation examples
¿Puedes ver esa espada colgada allí?
Can you see the sword hanging over there?
Miró su espada, colgada en la pared. ¿Y por qué no?
He glanced at his sword, hanging on the wall. And why not?
Alcé los ojos hacia mi espada, colgada frente a mí.
I looked up at my sword, hanging opposite me.
Sin embargo, encontré una poderosa espada colgada de la pared, y con ella puse fin a Moledor y a su madre.
Yet I found a mighty sword hanging on the wall, and with that I made an end of Grinder and his dam.
Llevaba una espada colgada del cinto, el arco en bandolera y la aljaba atada a los arreos de su caballo.
There was a sword hanging from his belt, a bow across his shoulders and his quiver hung from his horse’s bridle.
Recordé que había dejado mi espada colgada en la cámara del consejo, pero no podía volver a recuperarla, no en ese momento.
I remembered that I had left my sword hanging in the council chamber, but I could not go back to retrieve it, not now.
Catón hijo corrió hasta los amplios aposentos de su padre y se apoderó de la espada, colgada de su bridecú en un gancho de la pared.
Young Cato dashed to his father's roomy sleeping quarters and snatched the sword, hanging by its baldric from a hook on the wall.
Su uniforme, que recordaba al de los guardias, solo que mucho más elegante, también tenía unas cosas doradas en los hombros y llevaba una espada colgada del cinto. Era excesivo.
His uniform, which looked almost like something the guards would wear, only far more elegant, also had golden things on his shoulders and a sword hanging off his hip. It was a bit much.
El hombre que estaba delante de él tenía el rostro cubierto por un yelmo corintio, iba equipado con una coraza de chapa de bronce decorada en plata y llevaba la espada colgada de un talabarte de malla.
THE FACE OF THE man who stood before him was hidden by a Corinthian helmet. His bronze breastplate was decorated in silver, and he carried his sword hanging from a chain-mail baldric.
Aún así se había pasado toda la tarde con una espada colgada del cinto y una cachiporra en la mano, guardándole las espaldas al capitán, montando guardia tras él mientras se sentaba a la mesa en uno de esos almacenes.
Yet he’d spent the whole afternoon with a sword hanging at his belt and a truncheon in his hand. He’d been watching his captain’s back, standing guard behind him as he sat at a table in one of those warehouses.
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