Translation for "enyesaron" to english
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Translation examples
Nos enyesaron bien.
They plastered us but good, constantly.
Recién me enyesaron.
Sorry l`m late. Just got plastered.
Ellos enyesaron Cavite, papá.
They sort of plastered Cavite, Dad.
se pusieron por etapas los cristales de las ventanas, se enyesaron las paredes y hasta se colocó en el suelo el rodapié.
the window panes were in, the walls were plastered and even a wooden skirting ran around the floor.
En su lugar, para proteger la casa, quitaron la cerca de alambre y construyeron un alto muro de ladrillo, y eso sí lo enyesaron y pintaron, y la gente sólo podía hacer conjeturas sobre cómo vivía y comía aquella muchedumbre infantil que, por las tardes y las noches, bullía como un colegio entero.
Instead, to screen the house, the wire fence was pulled down and replaced by a tall brick wall; and this was plastered, this was painted; and the people in the street could only make surmises about the arrangements for the feeding and lodging of the childish multitude who, in the afternoons and evenings and early mornings, buzzed like a school.
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