Translation for "entrenamos" to english
Translation examples
Por favor, entréname.
Please train me.
Nosotros lo entrenamos.
We trained him.
Entrenamos para esto.
That's why we trained.
Así que entrename.
So train me.
- Entrenamos juntos, señor.
- We train together, sir.
- Entrenamos para competir.
- We're training to compete.
- Bueno, entonces entréname.
- Well, train me anyway.
Ese es el por qué entrenamos, entrenamos, entrenamos... Para matar, matar, matar.
That's why we train, train, train to kill, kill, kill.
Nos entrenamos y comemos,nos entrenamos y dormimos.
We train and eat, train and sleep.
Por eso nos entrenamos.
That’s why we train.”
Lo entrenamos juntos.
We trained him together.
—Nos entrenamos mucho para aguantar.
‘You train a lot to keep going.’
Pero si ya entrenamos ayer.
“But we trained yesterday.”
A veces entrenamos juntos.
We used to train together sometimes.
Nos entrenamos para luchar contra encauzadores.
We train to fight other channeled.
Entrenamos juntas al equipo femenino de baloncesto.
We coach the girls basketball team.
Nosotros entrenamos al equipo de baloncesto, fuimos invitados a los Regionales en Baltimore.
We coach the basketball team, we got invited to the Regionals in Baltimore.
Ok, entrenamos en la zona Oscar--4, Sector Tarantula.
Okay. Exercise area "Ain-4", moving targets.
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