Translation for "encasquillarse" to english
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Había disparado bien y sin encasquillarse.
It had fired easily and without a jam.
El rifle tartamudeó de un modo irregular, como si estuviera a punto de encasquillarse.
The rifle stuttered in an irregular way, as though on the verge of jamming.
—Que tenían una enorme tendencia a encasquillarse si no estaban perfectamente limpios —dijo Dar, de forma algo insincera.
“Which all have a tendency to jam if not kept perfectly clean,” said Dar, a bit disingenuously.
El arma, una anticuada Walther semiautomática, predilecta de ciertos exmilitares por tener fama de no encasquillarse nunca, cayó al suelo con estrépito, seguida unos instantes después por su propietario.
The gun, an old-style semiautomatic Walther, favored by certain ex-military types because it reputedly never jammed, fell heavily to the floor, followed by its owner moments later.
O reptaban boca abajo por el inmundo barro tropical que se mueve solo, llevando encima de la cabeza el arma cuyo mecanismo puede encasquillarse, pero sin levantar demasiado la cabeza, para no convertirse en un blanco fácil.
or crawling on their bellies through the foul mire of the tropics that moves of its own accord, clutching their rifles, which jammed all too easily, above their heads, but careful not to raise their heads, so as not to present a target.
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