Translation for "en transmitir" to english
Translation examples
Recopilar y transmitir la información.
Compiling and transmitting the information.
Se transmitirá la sugerencia al Gobierno.
That suggestion would be transmitted to the Government.
a) Transmitirá a los Estados Partes los documentos correspondientes;
(a) Transmit the relevant documents to the States Parties;
a) reunir y transmitir los informes que se le presenten; y
(a) to compile and transmit reports submitted to it; and
El Depositario transmitirá el informe a la RC.
Depository to transmit Report to the CM.
Transmitiré sus condolencias a mi Gobierno.
I will transmit his condolences to my Government.
La delegación transmitirá esta preocupación al Gobierno.
The delegation would transmit that concern to the Government.
El texto se transmitirá al Parlamento
Legislation to be transmitted to Parliament
de transmitir el espíritu de la Convención
transmitting the spirit of the Convention
No significa transmitir.
It does not mean transmit at.
Transmitiré las órdenes.
I’ll transmit the orders.
—Tengo que transmitir un informe.
“I've got a report to transmit.
Yo pondré el mío para transmitir.
I'll set mine to transmit."
Le transmitiré tu mensaje.
I'll transmit your message.
Se podía transmitir indefinidamente;
It could be transmitted indefinitely;
¡Tenían él deber de transmitir sus historias!
It was their duty to transmit their stories!
Podía transmitir las emociones.
It could transmit emotion.
Pero estaba a punto de transmitir algo.
But he was just about to transmit something.
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