Translation for "detenido por tiempo" to english
Translation examples
—Me he detenido a tiempo, ¿no?
I stopped in time, didn't I?
Sin este pacto, la Familia que contara con un teleportador tendría una ventaja decisiva sobre las demás si no era detenida a tiempo.
Otherwise, whichever Family got a gatemaker first would have a devastating advantage and could destroy the others if they were not stopped in time.
De haber estado en su estado normal, y no en un trance amnésico, probablemente el tacto le había hecho comprender su error y se hubiera detenido a tiempo;
If he hadn’t been in the amnesic state his sense of touch would probably have told him of his mistake and he might have stopped in time;
Sin embargo, junto a ese temor tenía la sensación de que, al mismo tiempo, deseaba este descubrimiento y este castigo; si no por otra cosa, al menos para ser detenido a tiempo sobre la resbaladiza pendiente en cuyo fondo le parecía inevitable que hubiese de esperarlo el homicidio.
Still, as much as he feared it, he felt simultaneously that he wanted to be discovered and punished, if for no other reason than to be stopped in time on this slippery incline, at the end of which, inevitably it seemed, murder awaited him.
Era como si yo hubiera detenido el tiempo, pero sería yo quien volvería a ponerlo en marcha.
It was as if I had made time stop—but it would be I who made it go forward again.
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