Translation for "dentro afuera" to english
Dentro afuera
Translation examples
La sonrisa no es sólo de dentro afuera.
Anecdotal evidence suggests smiles aren't just inside-out conduct.
Mi pelotón actuó de dentro afuera.
My squad worked from the inside out.
Algo que haga saltar los compuestos de dentro-afuera
Something that'll blast the compound inside-out.
Los gusanitos habían ido subiendo, habían empezado a crecer... y acabarían comiéndose vivo al perro de dentro afuera.
The baby maggots have crawled up and started to grow and eventually they're going to eat the dog alive from the inside out.
¿Mirar la vida de dentro afuera?
Look at life from the inside out?
Todos hombres y todos quemados de dentro afuera.
All guys, all burned from the inside out.
Tenemos que trabajar de dentro afuera.
We've got to work from the inside out.
Se golpea con la izquierda de dentro afuera.
Hit it with the left hand, and from the inside out.
He revisado ese lugar de arriba abajo y de dentro afuera.
I turned that place upside down and inside out.
Aunque te devora de dentro afuera.
Though it eats you from the inside out.
Te he visto de dentro afuera, Traspié.
I’ve seen you from the inside out, Fitz.
Era una llamarada, ardiendo lentamente de dentro afuera.
It was a fire, burning slowly from the inside out.
Su derecha de dentro afuera, su arma inesperada.
The inside-out forehand, his surprise weapon.
putrefacción, comerse un árbol de dentro afuera.
rot, eating a tree from the inside out.
No tengo ningunas ganas de tostarme de dentro afuera.
“I have no desire to be toasted from the inside out.”
¿He danzado de dentro afuera o de afuera adentro?
Did I dance from the inside out, or the outside in?''
Un enemigo que te atacaba de dentro afuera… Podías intentar volverte de dentro afuera para combatirlo, pero no tendrías éxito. ¡Sucia arma!
An enemy that attacked you from the inside out—you could try to turn yourself inside out to fight it, but you wouldn't succeed—filthy weapon!
¿Que se hizo crecer el brazo deliberadamente, de dentro afuera?
‘That the arm was grown deliberately, from the inside out?’
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