Translation for "de ser perfecto" to english
De ser perfecto
Translation examples
of being perfect
127. La delegación concluyó afirmando que, pese a no ser perfecto, el historial del país era sólido y positivo y se situaba a la vanguardia de la región, y destacó que los Emiratos Árabes Unidos se esforzarían por defenderlo.
127. The delegation concluded that the United Arab Emirates' record, while not being perfect, was a strong and positive one, which was at the forefront in the region and which the United Arab Emirates was keen to defend.
Propongo que iniciemos cuanto antes la elaboración de un programa de ese tipo, en el que se delineen claramente las etapas y los niveles sin que se pierda de vista que los modelos de gobierno autónomo local distan mucho de ser perfectos.
We need to embark in the very near future on drawing up such a programme, clearly defining its stages and levels. In addition, it must not be forgotten that the models of local self-government are far from being perfect.
Si bien la Organización dista de ser perfecta, reconocemos que es indispensable, ya que es la depositaria de las esperanzas y aspiraciones de la humanidad.
The Organization is far from being perfect, but, at the same time, we do recognize that it is indispensable, for it is the repository of the hopes and aspirations of mankind.
Si bien dista de ser perfecto, el sistema en buena medida está en funcionamiento.
It is far from being perfect, but the system has been implemented to a large extent.
Sabemos que nuestra labor dista mucho de ser perfecta, pero, conscientes de su importancia y de las dificultades relacionadas con los inicios de esta justicia internacional que se aplica simultáneamente en Arusha y en La Haya, esperamos que la Asamblea continúe honrándonos con su confianza y su apoyo.
We know that our work is far from being perfect, but, aware of its importance and the difficulties involved in the early stages of this international justice system, which is getting under way simultaneously in Arusha and the Hague, we hope that the Assembly will continue to honour us with its confidence and support.
Tomados en su conjunto, los procedimientos del Tribunal distan mucho de ser perfectos.
Taken as a whole, the Tribunal's procedures are still far from being perfected.
Sabes, me cansé de ser perfecta.
You know, I am sick of being perfect.
Mamá, estoy cansado de ser perfecto.
Morn, I'm tired of being perfect.
Quizás fue mucha la presión de ser perfecta y decidió... que necesitaba un cambio.
Maybe she broke under the pressure of being perfect or maybe she just decided she needed a change.
Nadie de los que conocimos al Sargento Mayor Mclure puede acusarlo de ser perfecto.
None of us who knew Sergeant Major Ross Maclure could ever accuse him of being perfect.
Estoy harta de ser perfecta todo el tiempo.
I'm so sick of being perfect all the time.
La pequeñez es mayor por ser perfecta.
Smallness is greater for being perfect.
Y luego lo desprecié por no ser perfecto.
And then I despised him for not being perfect.
No hay que pedir disculpas por no ser perfectos.
We don’t have to apologize for not being perfect.
La vida estaba lejos de ser perfecta y sin complicaciones.
Life was far from being perfect, with no complications.
Dando tumbos, había encontrado la manera de ser perfecto para ella.
I’d blundered into being perfect for her.
Se esforzaba sobremanera para ser perfecta, y casi lo había conseguido.
Patty worked hard at being perfect, and she had damned near succeeded.
—Por ser perfecto —susurró ella, mirando a su alrededor para asegurarse de que no los oía nadie—.
"By being perfect!" she hissed, glancing around to make sure they weren't being overheard. "Stop it."
—Yo tampoco. Todo el mundo sabe que no tiene ningún poder especial, aparte de ser perfecto.
“Me, neither.” Everyone knows he doesn’t have any powers, apart from being perfect.
Un hambre perpetua era el precio que tenía que pagar para ser perfecta, y a veces caía en la cuenta de lo absurdo que era.
Constant hunger was the price she had to pay for being perfect, and at times she struggled with how absurd this was.
De manera que cualquier información que se nos escape, todo aquello a lo que no podamos acceder, nos impide ser perfectos.
So any information that eludes us, anything that’s not accessible, prevents us from being perfect.
Sabemos que la obra a la que hemos contribuido está lejos de ser perfecta.
We know that the accomplishment to which we have contributed is far from perfect.
Sin embargo, la Organización, al igual que cualquier otra obra humana, está lejos de ser perfecta.
None the less, the Organization, like any human enterprise, is far from perfect.
22. El sistema de patrocinio dista mucho, evidentemente, de ser perfecto.
The sponsorship system was admittedly far from perfect.
No obstante, aunque la Organización tiene sus propias fortalezas, está lejos de ser perfecta.
Nevertheless, while the United Nations had its particular strengths, it was far from perfect.
Los datos distan mucho de ser perfectos.
Data are far from perfect.
Las elecciones en el Afganistán estuvieron lejos de ser perfectas.
The election in Afghanistan was far from perfect.
Sin embargo, queremos recalcar que el proyecto dista mucho de ser perfecto.
However, we would like to emphasize that the draft resolution is far from perfect.
Tú distas mucho de ser perfecta.
You are far from perfect.
Will distaba mucho de ser perfecto.
Will was far from perfect.
Esta existencia dista mucho de ser perfecta.
This existence is far from perfect.
La vida dista mucho de ser perfecta para todos.
Life is far from perfect, for everyone.
—Distan de ser perfectos, mi señor.
They are very far from perfect, my lord.
La vida, como siempre, distaba de ser perfecta.
Life, as ever, was far from perfect.
Su don era útil, pero lejos de ser perfecto.
His gift was useful, but far from perfect.
le dije que mi cantonés distaba mucho de ser perfecto.
I told him my Cantonese was far from perfect.
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