Translation for "cathy dijo" to english
Cathy dijo
Translation examples
Cathy dijo que no tomarías el trabajo de Atlanta.
Cathy said you're not going to take that job in Atlanta.
Cathy dijo que Clavo la asaltó.
Cathy said that Clavo assaulted her.
Cathy dijo que sientes algo por mi.
Cathy said you had feelings for me.
El presidente de Chick-Fil-A, Dan Cathy dijo:
Chick-Fil-A's president, Dan Cathy said,
Cathy dijo que teníamos que venir a verte...
Cathy said we just had to get out here...
–Quédate en la suite, Cathy -dijo Tyrell.
"Stay in the suite, Cathy," said Tyrell.
–¡Deja ya eso, Cathy! – dijo de repente Jackson Poole con fir-meza-.
"Stop it, Cathy," said Jackson Poole suddenly, firmly.
Al cabo de otro momento de silencio, Cathy dijo: —Podría perfectamente coger un megáfono y proponerme salvar el mundo, aunque al final me llevaran a un manicomio, porque terminaré allí, de todos modos.
After a moment more of silence Cathy said, “I might as well pick up a megaphone and start trying to save the world, even if they do put me in a madhouse, because I’ll wind up there, anyway.
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