Translation for "cara pastosa" to english
Cara pastosa
  • pasty face
  • doughy face
Translation examples
pasty face
- Odio que tuviera razón, ese bastardo de cara pastosa! - Razón sobre qué?
I hate that he was right, that pasty-faced bastard.
Buen traje, ¡cara pastosa!
Nice suit, pasty face!
Entonces ¿quién es el chico melenudo de cara pastosa que se acaba de pillar el dedo en una taquilla y está gritando como una niña?
Then who's the shaggy-haired pasty-faced guy Who just slammed his finger in a locker and screamed like a girl? [gasping] ollie-pop!
Las dejé con un tipo con cara pastosa en un buen traje.
I dropped 'em off with a pasty-faced guy in a nice suit.
Para colmo, tenía los ojos casi ocultos en su redonda cara pastosa.
Her eyes were almost hidden in her round, pasty face.
Rohrer era un hombrecito cuarentón de cara pastosa, y su despacho ocupaba poco más que un cubículo;
Rohrer was a pasty-faced little man in his forties, and his office was little more than a cubicle;
Aterrorizada al pensar que vería la cara pastosa de Tom aparecer lentamente en la ventana, sonriendo. Volveremos.
Terrified that she'd see Tom's pasty face appearing slowly in the frame, grinning. We'll be back.
Whitehead se pasó los dedos por la cara pastosa, y hundió el pulgar y el índice en las oquedades del puente de la nariz, como para expulsar las visiones. —No, maldito seas —dijo.
Whitehead ran his fingers across his pasty face, his thumb and forefinger digging into the pits at the bridge of his nose, as if to push the sights out. "No, damn you," he said.
doughy face
Tenía una cara pastosa en la que brillaban dos enormes ojos negros bastante hermosos.
She had a doughy face out of which shone two great black and quite beautiful eyes.
Con el extremo del palo, cubierto de pequeños clavos oxidados, el carnicero golpea la cara pastosa de Stinson, haciéndole sangre.
The end of the butcher’s club—sprouting rusty nails on one side—catches the side of Stinson’s doughy face, gouging flesh.
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