Translation for "cara levantado" to english
Cara levantado
Translation examples
los labios apretados, la cara levantada porque yo no tengo que esconderme de nadie.
Her expression, not haughty, never that, but serious, her lips pressed tightly together, her face raised because I don’t have to hide from anyone.
Permaneció inmóvil un momento con la cara levantada hacia ella, y luego reanudo la marcha.
He stood still for a long moment, his face raised to her. Then he started up the hill.
Estaba en el lado de estribor de la toldilla, de espaldas al viento con las manos atrás y me contemplaba con la cara levantada, como si mi aparición lo escandalizara.
He stood on the starboard side of the quarterdeck, the wind at his back where his hands were clasped, and he was staring at me, his face raised, as if my appearance was a shock.
Antes de doblar la esquina, James alzó la vista hacia las ventanas de la parte trasera de la casa y permaneció muy quieto, con la cara levantada e iluminada por las luces de la fiesta.
Just before James started around the corner he looked up, at the back windows of the house, and stopped dead, his face raised to catch the light spilling out from the party.
Ejecutó para Charlie una carpa inversa, hizo una clavada sin ver el agua, emergió con la cara levantada para que se le pegara el pelo a la cabeza y oyó aplaudir a Charlie.
HE DOVE, DYING TO GET OFF that perch, showed Charlie a flying reverse pike and ripped his entry without seeing the water, came up with his face raised to smooth his hair back and could hear Charlie out there clapping his hands.
Con su cara levantada hacia la mía, se quitó el sombrero y en sus ojos vi el mismo pánico repentino que había inundado su mirada cuando, aquel día de verano, se había equivocado al volver a llamar «padre» a mi hermano.
Four steps below me when we paused, he now doffed his hat, his face raised to mine, and it was the same sudden panic that had entered his eyes when, back on that summer day, he had misspoken again, called my brother Father again.
Ahora si quiero hacerlo aquí... mantén la cara levantada, la cara levantada.
Now if I want to take it here-- Keep your face up, keep your face up.
Tenía la cara levantada, al cielo.
He had his face up, like to the sky.
El nuevo tironeaba del cabello brillante y se izaba mientras ella trataba de hacerlo bajar, con la cabeza inclinada hacia un lado y la cara levantada.
The new one had hold of her shining hair and was pulling himself up while she tried to drag him down; her head was leaning sideways, face up.
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