Translation for "bandejas grandes" to english
Bandejas grandes
Translation examples
Sólo voy a ir a la cocina a traer una bonita bandeja grande, grande de entremeses.
I'm just gonna trot into the kitchen and get a lovely large, large tray of hors d'oeuvres.
Podemos usar una bandeja grande, por favor?
Can we get a large tray, please?
Entró Della con una bandeja grande de tazas, una cafetera y pasteles.
Della entered with a large tray of cups, a coffee pot, and cakes.
Dentro había una estufa sobre la cual se veía una bandeja grande, llena de piedras.
Inside was a stove on top of which was a large tray filled with rocks.
Ister apareció con una bandeja grande, cuya superficie estaba cubierta de armas.
Ister appeared with a large tray, the surface of which was covered in weapons.
Diez minutos después apareció Gertrud en persona con una bandeja grande.
Ten minutes later Gertrud herself appeared, carrying a large tray.
Un lacayo entró empujando una mesita con ruedas en la que había una bandeja grande con varios platos tapados.
A footman came in with a small wheeled table on which was set a large tray of covered dishes.
Se retiró luego a una habitación contigua, seguramente la cocina, y regresó instantes después con una bandeja grande.
Retreating to an adjacent room that must have been the kitchen, he returned several moments later with a large tray.
En el anaquel superior del armario estaba el número de acceso deseado, con una descolorida letra inglesa, fijado en un rincón a una bandeja grande.
The desired accession number, handwritten in faded copperplate, was affixed to a large tray on one of the upper shelves of the cabinet, tucked into a corner.
Transportaba en tres de sus miembros una bandeja grande y llena de recipientes poliédricos y transparentes de diferentes tamaños. –¿Qué pasa? –gritó Cinco Mareas.
Cradled in three of its limbs was a large tray full of transparent, multi-walled flasks of various sizes. "What?" yelled Fivetide.
Con una coordinación perfecta, los Camareros dejaron sobre la mesa dos bandejas grandes, le desearon buen provecho y desaparecieron entre la Multitud, que se abrió ante ellos con dificultad, aunque volvió a cerrarse al instante, como dos manos que tratan de conservar el calor en el hueco de las palmas.
He nodded, and with a single motion, the Servers placed two large trays on the table, wished that he would enjoy his meal, and disappeared into the Crowd, which opened a passage for them with some difficulty and very quickly closed up again, like two hands trying to keep their warmth in the hollow of their palms.
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