Translation for "ascensoristas" to english
Translation examples
—El ascensorista. —¿El qué? —El de su bloque de apartamentos —me expliqué—. El ascensorista del turno de noche.
“The elevator operator.” “The what?” “At his apartment house,” I said. “The night elevator operator.”
No, no conocía al ascensorista.
No, he didn't know the elevator operator.
El ascensorista abrió la puerta.
The elevator operator opened the door.
Hasta el ascensorista se dio cuenta.
Even the elevator operator noticed it.
—Desde luego —contestó el ascensorista.
“Oh, yeah,” the elevator operator said.
—Bajamos —dijo el ascensorista.
'Going down,' said the elevator operator.
El joven ascensorista seguía de servicio.
The elevator operator was still on duty.
El ascensorista testificó en tal sentido.
The elevator operator has testified to this.
En este instante se abre la claraboya del tejado y aparece Ignatz, el viejo ascensorista.
At this moment the skylight opens and Ignatz, the old liftboy, appears.
Al bajar aquella que me tenía en sus pensamientos, le dijo al ascensorista pelirrojo: —Merci, Armand.
As she in whose thoughts I lay stepped out she said to the red-haired liftboy: 'Merci, Armand.'
Klaus señaló en su diario que le gustaban los «botones, camareros, ascensoristas, etcétera, blancos o negros.
Klaus remarked in his diary that he liked ‘porters, waiters, liftboys and so on, white or black.
En Lanzarote le había hecho leer un libro y no era capaz de recordar el título, no guardaba más memoria de él salvo que iba de un estafador que trabajaba de ascensorista en un hotel de París.
In Lanzarote she'd made him read a book and he couldn't remember the title, couldn't recall anything about it except that it featured a conman who had a job as a liftboy in a Paris hotel.
A cambio, compartieron conmigo un poco del agua caliente para afeitarse que el ascensorista y el aprendiz de camarero habían preparado en un infiernillo de alcohol, y mientras me pasaba la navaja por las mejillas, el labio y la barbilla, pude mirarme en un pedazo de espejo que ingeniosamente tenían sujeto al picaporte de la ventana.
By way of compensation, however, I was allowed to share the hot water that the liftboy and busboy had warmed over an alcohol stove, and while I guided my razor with practised strokes over my cheeks and chin, I was allowed to join them in peering into a fragment of mirror they had succeeded in fastening to the window catch.
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