Translation for "apologista" to english
Translation examples
La lógica de los apologistas es incomprensible, pero su motivación es clara: so pretexto de "luchar por la liberación nacional", están haciendo una guerra barata, y promoviendo su propio y cínico programa político.
The logic of the apologists was incomprehensible, but their motivation was clear: under cover of “fighting for national liberation”, they were waging war on the cheap, and advancing their own cynical political agenda.
En definitiva, el informe revela la triste verdad de que el Relator actual demuestra poco afán por conseguir una sociedad palestina responsable, libre y próspera y no es más que un apologista del régimen opresor que sigue frustrando las aspiraciones genuinas del pueblo palestino.
Ultimately, this Report reveals the sad truth that the current Rapporteur has little concern for the development of a responsible, free and flourishing Palestinian society and is nothing more than an apologist for the oppressive regime that continues to frustrate the genuine aspirations of the Palestinian people.
19. Durante décadas, los apologistas han tratado de convencer al mundo de que algunos objetivos son tan precisos que se puede justificar la comisión de actos de terrorismo para lograrlos.
For decades, apologists had tried to convince the world that certain goals were so hallowed that terrorist acts could be justified in their pursuit.
Hacemos un llamamiento a todos los sudafricanos negros para que logren una mayor unidad y sean conscientes de su responsabilidad de desmentir la versión de los apologistas del apartheid de que los negros no pueden gobernarse a sí mismos.
We appeal to black South Africans to forge greater unity and to be conscious of their responsibility to disprove the assertion of the apologists for apartheid that blacks are incapable of ruling themselves.
Contribuyen a determinadas economías, pero gran parte del mundo sigue sumido en la miseria más abyecta y en nada o en poco se beneficia del incremento en los intercambios y en los florecientes mercados de que tanto hablan los apologistas del neoliberalismo.
They help certain economies, but a large part of the world remains mired in the most abject poverty, deriving little or no benefit from the increased exchanges and flourishing markets so much talked about by the apologists for neoliberalism.
Es impostergable, en lo que se refiere a los conflictos regionales, que los apologistas de la violencia y los nostálgicos del poder no ignoren que nuestra acción política es inflexible y encaminada a buscar la estabilidad, la legitimidad y el desarrollo de democracias eficientes.
Let the apologists of violence and those who are nostalgic for power have no doubt that our political will to avert regional conflicts is unswerving, and that our political action is designed to promote stability, legitimacy and the development of effective democracies.
En este debate hay muchos apologistas de la situación de dominio masculino y de la discriminación de los hombres contra las mujeres y las niñas que insisten en defender aspectos de las costumbres y cultura melanesias y de Papua Nueva Guinea que mantienen y refuerzan el dominio masculino.
In this debate there are many male apologists for male domination and discrimination against women and the girl child and for maintenance of aspects of "Melanesian or Papua New Guinean ways" and culture which reinforce and maintain male dominance.
En tercer lugar, algunos apologistas de esas políticas incluso han llegado a sostener que hay motivos biológicos para la segregación de las zonas residenciales.
Thirdly, some of the apologists for such policies had gone so far as to claim a biological basis for residential segregation.
No resulta conveniente para el interés colectivo de la Asamblea General que ésta sea considerada como la protectora y apologista de regímenes que violan derechos humanos.
It is not in our collective interest for the General Assembly to be seen as the protector and apologist of regimes that abuse human rights.
Los apologistas trataron de persuadirnos de que la ideología del comunismo era benigna.
Apologists tried to persuade us that the ideology of Communism was benign.
El apologista del aceite de canola?
The apologist for rapeseed oil?
Era tu defensor y apologista, pero ya no.
I was your defender and your apologist, but no more.
De células durmientes que los apologistas niegan que existan.
From sleeper cells the apologists say don't even exist.
¿Por qué pagarías para apoyar a un jodido apologista a la violación si Ud. no es una?
Why would you pay money to fucking support a fucking rape apologist if you weren't fucking one?
El apologista de Nemerov.
The Nemerov apologist.
John Harlan se ha convertido en un apologista, de los Musulmanes Negros.
John Harlan has become an apologist for the Black Muslims.
Apologista del estado policial.
Police state apologist.
Pero no su partidario ni su apologista.
But neither his supporter, nor his apologist.
Eres un truther, un apologista de Mohinder Suresh.
You're a truther, an apologist for Mohinder Suresh.
Jodido apologista de la violación. Apoya-incestos odia-mujeres jodido de mierda.
Fucking rape apologist, incest-supporting, woman-hating fucking scum.
No era un apologista cristiano.
He wasn’t a Christian apologist.
Aún somos venecianos, no mongoles adoptivos, ni apologistas suyos.
“We are still Venetians, not adoptive Mongols nor apologists for them.”
A partir de entonces fue un excelente apologista del cristianismo.[103]
Thereafter he became an excellent Christian apologist.22
En ese sentido se expresa el autor británico y apologista cristiano G.
In the words of British author and Christian apologist G.
A fin de cuentas, nunca fuimos apologistas del viejo régimen.
After all neither of us were apologists for the old regime.
Los evangelistas habían disfrutado su exégesis pesher, pero los apologistas lo encontraron más difícil.
The evangelists had relished their pesher exegesis, but the apologists found it more difficult.
Yo era un apologista, una figura decorativa y un segundón en escena, prácticamente un Andrei Vishinsky.
I was an apologist, a front man and stooge, practically an Andrei Visbinsky.
No deseo repetir el burdo error que los apologistas cristianos han cometido.
I do not wish to repeat the gross mistake that Christian apologists have made.
Lewis (que recientemente ha resurgido como el apologista cristiano más popular).
Lewis (who has recently reemerged as the most popular Christian apologist) in his Mere Christianity.
Los apologistas musulmanes defienden a Mahoma argumentando que el matrimonio fue contraído por razones políticas.
Muslim apologists defend Muhammad by arguing that the marriage was contracted for political reasons.
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