Similar context phrases
Translation examples
Cuando caian malos, en aquel lugar decían que la tierra estaba enojada, y derramaban chicha y quemaban ropa para aplacarla.
It was said that the Earth became angry where evil occurred, and chicha was spilled and clothes were burned to placate it.
Ella está tan enfadada que yo no se como aplacarla ahora
She's so angry that I don't know how to placate her now
Wallace sólo viene para intentar aplacarle.
Mr. President, Wallace is only coming up here in order to placate you.
Yo no podré detenerlos, a no ser que me des algo para aplacarlos.
I won't be able to stop them, unless you give me something to placate them.
Se que está aquí no para resolver su problema sino solo para aplacarlo.
I know you are here not to solve your problem but just to placate them.
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