Translation for "ásperamente" to english
Translation examples
No me hables tan ásperamente.
Don't speak so harshly to me.
Pero la emoción de una nueva vida en California se interrumpió ásperamente por mi enfermedad de la neurona motora .
But the excitement of a new life in California was harshly interrupted by my motor neurone disease.
Fue ásperamente interrumpido.
He was harshly interrupted.
– le ordenó ásperamente.
he demanded harshly.
No —replicó ásperamente Fafhrd—.
No," Fafhrd retorted harshly.
—Airmid se rio ásperamente—.
Airmid laughed harshly.
—le interrumpió Jordan ásperamente.
Jordan interrupted harshly.
—susurró Sogamori ásperamente.
Sogamori whispered harshly.
El alemán rió ásperamente:
The German laughed harshly.
—le interrumpió ásperamente Fafhrd.
Fafhrd interrupted harshly.
La muchacha le advirtió ásperamente.
The girl cautioned him roughly:
—Ya es suficiente —dijo ásperamente—.
‘That’s enough,’ he said roughly.
—Aquí la tenéis —dijo Piet ásperamente—.
‘Here, Piet said roughly. ‘Take it.
–No digas eso- dijo Hagrid ásperamente.
‘Don’ say that,’ said Hagrid roughly.
—No me ha dicho nada —dijo ásperamente—.
“He told me nothing,” she said roughly.
—Cualquier cosa —dijo Chuck, ásperamente.
“Anything,” Chuck said, roughly.
Luego alguien regañó ásperamente a un niño.
Then someone roughly scolded a child.
—No me mires así —dijo él ásperamente.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he said roughly.
Valeria. —Está muerta —dijo Conan ásperamente—.
Valeria.” “She is dead,” Conan said roughly.
«Hizo como que no los conocía, y les habló ásperamente» (v.
“He acted as a stranger to them and spoke roughly to them”
—repitió ásperamente Daisy—.
Daisy repeated acidly.
—Es un consuelo saberlo —dije ásperamente—.
'That's comforting to know,' I said acidly.
—Ah, sin duda —dijo Alsana ásperamente—.
‘Oh surely, yes,’ said Alsana acidly.
–Un ejército integrado por un solo hombre -le espetó Sarason ásperamente-.
“An army of one man,” Sarason said acidly.
—Sí, el Mestizo es dueño de mucho ganado —contestó Hongan, ásperamente.
“Yes, the Half-Breed owns many cattle,” said Høngan acidly.
—preguntó ásperamente Westcliff— ...cree usted que va a huir?
Westcliff asked acidly, "do you expect him to flee to?"
—Umney dijo ásperamente: —Como es natural, la chica fue sometida a estrecha vigilancia en el tren.
Umney said acidly: “Of course the girl was covered on the train.
—replicó ásperamente—. Pero no eres tan frívolo como aparentas. —¿Eso crees?
he said acidly. “But you’re nothing as shallow as you pretend to be.” “Oh, you don’t think so?
—No hay tiempo que perder, cariño —repuso él ásperamente. —Tengo miedo.
“We haven’t got much time to waste, my sweet”, he said acidly. “I’m so terribly scared.”
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