Translation for "руки дрожали" to english
Руки дрожали
Translation examples
hands were trembling
Она не могла отдышаться, руки дрожали, сказала, что ее сердце колотится.
Couldn't catch her breath, hands were trembling, said her heart was pounding.
Ее руки дрожали от волнения.
Her hands were trembling with excitement.
Руки дрожали. – Так много боялась!
Her hands were trembling. "I was so afraid!
Его руки дрожали от нетерпения и возбуждения.
His hands were trembling with haste and agitation.
Лицо ее еще горело, руки дрожали.
Her face was still pink and her hands were trembling.
И не важно, что его руки дрожали, когда он обнимал ее.
It didn't matter that his hands were trembling as he held her.
Его руки дрожали, но голос звучал твердо.
His hands were trembling, but he kept Ms voice steady.
Руки дрожали, в груди бешено колотилось сердце.
His hands were trembling and his heart was pounding in his chest.
Мои руки дрожали как в полуостров и после Ватерлоо.
My hands trembled like that in the Peninsula and after Waterloo.
Ей было за 70, её руки дрожали от волнения...
She was in her 70s. It was touching, her hands trembled.
Рукой, дрожавшей от усилий, которые он над собой делал, он опрокинул в рот остатки пива из стакана.
His hand, trembling with his effort at self control, bore to his lips the last of his glass of ale.
Когда она говорила, ее руки дрожали.
Her hands trembled as she spoke.
Ее рука дрожала. — Ты счастлив, я полагаю?
Her hand trembled. "There, I hope you're happy,"
Сердце мое колотилось, руки дрожали.
But my heart was lurching, my hands trembling.
Его тонкая рука дрожала от гнева или радости.
His slender hand trembled with anger or gladness.
Его руки дрожали, когда он мылся в умывальнике.
His hands trembled as he washed them in his basin.
Во рту у него пересохло, руки дрожали.
Ranulph's mouth was dry, his hands trembling with suppressed tension.
Лицо Ямамуры осунулось, руки дрожали.
His face was shockingly haggard, and his hands trembled.
Альфред снова покраснел, потом побледнел. Его руки дрожали.
Alfred was red again, then pale. His hands trembled.
руки дрожали, и он испачкал кровью рубашку.
his hands trembled and he got some of the blood on his shirt.
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