Translation for "torturano" to english
Translation examples
Prigionieri, torturano chi vogliono.
Imprisoned, torture whoever they want.
Torturano la gente per divertimento.
They... torture people for fun.
Loro li torturano quelli come te.
These people are tortured.
Solo i vigliacchi torturano le donne.
Only cowards torture women.
I miei sentimenti... Mi torturano.
My feelings torture me.
- Torturano i polli!
They're torturing chickens, man.
Torturano, fucilano, bruciano, violentano...!
They torture, execute, burn, rape.
Torturano le persone.
They're torturing people.
Torturano un ragazzo.
They're torturing a young boy.
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