Translation examples
Da piccola, mi affascinavano.
As a kid, they fascinated me.
La mia nazionalità e la mia storia li affascinavano.
My nationality and story fascinated them.
Poi cominciai a leggere delle opere del Dottor Anderson perchè mi affascinavano le opere e la produzione francese, sai?
Dr. Anderson, how he started to call himself "The Auteur"... because he was fascinated with French film directors from the '70s.
Era la stagione secca, e sbocciavano i fiori selvatici. E i fiori che sbocciavano senza pioggia affascinavano le ragazzine,
It was the dry season, when wildflowers bloomed... and flowers that gleamed on their own without rain... fascinated some little girls.
Da una parte mi affascinavano i progenitori del cinema e dall'altra gli autori della Nouvelle Vague.
I was fascinated by the ancestors of cinema and by the French authors of the Nouvelle Vague.
Gli occhi affascinavano ma la bocca era sorniona.
His eyes are charming, but his mouth is sly.
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