Translation for "jet-fuel" to english
Translation examples
Sie hatten sich mit Mr. Mitch's Jet Fuel zugeknallt.
They were bombed on Mr. Mitch’s jet fuel.
Das ist eine der Fragen, die die Operation Renewable Jet Fuels des Carbon War Room zu lösen versucht.«[476]
It’s one of the issues that the Carbon War Room’s renewable jet fuels operation is looking to solve.”26
Dank an Larry Schokman, Susie Schlesinger, Ellyn Toscano, Bob Racie, Laura Ferri, Simone Beaufoy, Anna Leube, Duncan Kenworthy, Beatrice Monti und Rick Simone, an Coach House Press, Jet Fuel in Toronto und die Bancroft Library in Berkeley, Kalifornien.
Thanks To Larry Schokman, Susie Schlesinger, Ellyn Toscano, Bob Racie, Laura Ferri, Simon Beaufoy, Anna Leube, Duncan Kenworthy, Beatrice Monti, Rick Simon, Coach House Press, Jet Fuel in Toronto, the Bancroft Library in Berkeley, California.
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