Translation for "feststimmung" to english
Translation examples
Die Leute waren nicht in Feststimmung.
“People weren’t in such a festive mood, either.
Sie schien nicht in ausgesprochener Feststimmung zu sein.
She didn’t look in a particularly festive mood.
Long Island City war an diesem Abend in Feststimmung.
Long Island City was in a festival mood that night.
Alle waren in Feststimmung: Onkel Henks Kinder waren gekommen!
Everyone was in a festive mood: Uncle Henk’s children had arrived!
Die Menge war in Feststimmung, auch wenn die Wachen ständig am Rand des Marktplatzes herumlungerten.
The crowd was in a festival mood, despite the guards who lingered at the edge of the town square.
Die Männer waren in Feststimmung. Teil IV 15 Los Alamos Mai 1944
The men were in a festive mood. Part 4 15 Los Alamos May 1944
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