Translation for "étant" to english
Translation examples
Les soins étant limités, les besoins étant... infinis.
Care being finite, need being endless.
En étant là.
For being here.
-Vos ennemis étant?
- Your enemies being?
[épées étant rengainées]
[swords being sheathed]
L'affaire étant ?
The matter being?
Dix étant whoo-hoo et un étant aarrrggh !
Ten being whoo-hoo, one being aarrrggh!
En étant honnête.
Just being truthful.
Ceci étant dit,
That being said,
"Quelqu'un" étant moi.
"Someone" being me.
N'étant plus dérangé par aucun élément extérieur, il put enfin savourer sa propre existence.
No longer distracted by anything external, he was finally able to bask in his own existence
"L'Homme étant mortel, "on considère que I'existence des esprits est plausible.
"Everyone dies, therefore there's no logical reason for ghost s not to exist"
Mais oui, la symétrie étant constante, l'anti-symétrie le serait aussi. C'est impossible !
If neither exists then they can't form anything.
Leur existence n'étant pas prouvée,
The existence of which cannot be proven logically.
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