Translation for "rester en france" to english
Rester en france
Translation examples
Mais il est apparemment resté en France.
Despite this, he apparently stayed in France.
Vous esperiez rester en France?
You don't expect to stay in France?
Après la Victoire il est resté en France.
After Victory he stayed in France.
Ils vont rester en France et toucher l'argent.
They're just gonna stay in France and collect the money.
Le piano reste en France ou il part a l'étranger?
Will the piano stay in France?
La première chose, c'est que la maman de Wey reste en France.
My first wish is that Wey's mom stays in France
J'aurais dû rester en France.
I should have stayed in France.
Je ne peux rester en France pour toujours.
I can't stay in France forever.
Allez-vous rester en France maintenant ?
Are you going to stay in France now?
Tu veux pas rester en France ?
- Don't you want to stay in France?
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