Translation for "yellowish-grey" to spanish
Translation examples
Yellowish-grey mushrooms were flourishing along a line where the wall met the ceiling in the kitchen.
En la cocina, hongos de un gris amarillento florecían a lo largo de la línea donde la pared se encontraba con el techo.
Zadok smiled a gap-toothed, red-nosed smile, but his moustache, once proudly dyed and now a yellowish grey, had still a dandified twist.
Zadok esbozó una sonrisa desdentada y, a pesar de la roja nariz, su bigote, orgullosamente teñido antaño y gris amarillento ahora, no había perdido su apostura de dandi.
Everything is vague and blurred, with only a few details standing out with exaggerated clarity: the yellowish-grey lock of hair, the hands flat on the wall, the thick blue veins on those old hands .
Todo es vago, confuso, aunque algunos detalles resalten con una nitidez exagerada: el mechón de un gris amarillento, las manos abiertas sobre la pared, las gruesas venas azules de esas manos de vieja…
There was no breeze moving anywhere, and the air was damp, and the sky had covered over with clouds of a sullen yellowish grey, but bright behind them, like heated metal; and it had a blank and foreboding look to it.
No soplaba la menor brisa, el aire era húmedo y el cielo estaba cubierto por unas nubes de un sombrío color gris amarillento, aunque por detrás de ellas seguía estando claro como si fuera de metal calentado y ofrecía un aspecto siniestro y amenazador.
The bottom of the sea must have been a sad stinking muddy place, to judge from your shoes and stockings.' 'So it was too, a great stretch of yellowish-grey mud rippling away in that wonderfully strange light; but the annelids, my dear Graham, the annelids!
A juzgar por sus zapatos y sus medias, el fondo del mar está cubierto de lodo maloliente. —Sí, está cubierto de una capa ondulada de lodo gris amarillento que tiene un extraño brillo, pero… ¡hay tantos anélidos allí, estimado Graham!
The turrets, towers, spires and crenellations had the appearance of stone, though more likely were of wood and lath, and what I had thought were flagposts were actually tall masts from which were hung yards, a certain amount of canvas, a wealth of rigging, like the work of a mad spider, and a rich variety of rather dirty banners. The smoke from the funnels was yellowish grey and occasionally bore with it a sudden gouting of hot cinders which presumably did not much threaten the decks below but which surely must cover them with ash from top to bottom.
Las torretas, torres, agujas y almenas tenían la apariencia de la piedra, aunque lo más probable era que estuvieran hechas de madera y metal, y lo que yo había supuesto astas de bandera eran, en realidad, altos mástiles de los que colgaban vergas, cierto número de velas de lona, profusión de obenques, como la obra de una araña loca, y una rica variedad de banderas bastante sucias. El humo de las chimeneas era de un gris amarillento;
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