Translation for "worrying" to spanish
Translation examples
These are extremely worrying allegations.
Estas son denuncias sumamente preocupantes.
This is unfortunate and worrying.
Ello es deplorable y preocupante.
The trends are very worrying.
Las tendencias son preocupantes.
The overcrowding of prisons was worrying.
El hacinamiento en las cárceles es preocupante.
The situation in Abkhazia is particularly worrying.
La situación en Abjasia es particularmente preocupante.
This lack of performance is worrying.
Esta falta de eficacia es preocupante.
A particularly worrying sector is health.
Un sector especialmente preocupante es el de la salud.
This is extremely worrying.
Esto es sumamente preocupante.
The extent of problems is worrying.
El alcance de los problemas es preocupante.
The situation in eastern Chad is worrying.
La situación en el Chad oriental es preocupante.
- Interesting. And worrying.
Interesante y preocupante.
Waiting and worrying.
Esperando y preocupante.
That worries me.
Eso es preocupante.
Now stop worrying.
Dejá de preocupante.
- This seems worrying.
- Esto parece preocupante.
It's so worrying.
"Es muy preocupante."
This is worried!
¡Esto es preocupante!
Worrying,’ she said. ‘Worrying, Ilia?’
Preocupante —dijo ella. —¿Preocupante, Ilia?
This was really worrying.
Eso sí que era preocupante.
And this is really worrying.
Y esto sí que es preocupante.
This was much more worrying.
Esto era mucho más preocupante.
That was the most worrying part.
Eso era lo más preocupante de todo—.
That worried him more.
Eso sería mucho más preocupante.
The other was more worrying.
La otra era más preocupante.
‘That’s really worrying.’
Es de lo más preocupante.
It's very worrying.’
Es algo muy preocupante.
It was all very worrying.
Todo era muy preocupante.
The situation is particularly worrying in the east.
La situación es particularmente inquietante en el este.
That information, if correct, was extremely worrying.
Esa información, en caso de ser exacta, es extremadamente inquietante.
The other very worrying region is West Africa.
La otra región muy inquietante es el África occidental.
21. However, the overall picture was rather worrying.
21. No obstante, la situación general es algo inquietante.
The deterioration of the situation on the ground is equally worrying.
Es igualmente inquietante el deterioro de la situación sobre el terreno.
The situation was very worrying.
Esta situación es inquietante.
That worrying situation must be rectified.
Esta situación inquietante debe rectificarse.
A number of worrying developments have been recorded.
Se registraron varios incidentes inquietantes.
Another worrying indication is
Otra señal inquietante es el hecho de que el
Henri's painting is becoming worrying.
Y la pintura de Henri es inquietante.
- This is rather worrying.
- Eso es inquietante.
I've been hearing some gossip, Hugh. It's worrying.
He oído informes inquietantes, estoy preocupado.
New for these parts and rather worrying.
Nueva por estos lares y bastante inquietante.
I'm getting worried.
Esto ya es inquietante.
You're right. That is something to worry about.
Es verdad, es inquietante.
"Goodbye, Gonin." It worries me.
"Hasta la vista, Gonin". Me resultó bastante inquietante.
Yes, but it's also worrying in some way.
Sí, pero también es inquietante de algún modo.
It was terribly worrying.
Era terriblemente inquietante.
That 'please' worried me.
Aquel 'por favor' me sonó inquietante.
Then a worrying thought came to her.
Entonces le llegó un pensamiento inquietante.
There was something in the flatness of her voice that worried me.
Había algo inquietante en la chatura de su voz.
“She hasn’t been aware of anything unusual or worrying?” “No.”
¿No ha notado nada inusual ni inquietante? —No.
The intelligence reports I refer to are deeply worrying.
Los informes de inteligencia a los que me he referido son muy inquietantes.
It was a young woman in glasses and a worried hair-style.
Era una joven con gafas y un peinado inquietante.
Hal smiled, despite the worry of the situation.
—Hal sonrió, pese a lo inquietante de la situación—.
Rouletabille’s terror begins to worry me
En el que el espanto de Rouletabille adquiere proporciones inquietantes
On the contrary, there are worrying signs of the development of new generations of nuclear weapons.
Por el contrario, hay señales alarmantes del desarrollo de nuevas generaciones de armas nucleares.
The findings had been worrying.
Las conclusiones fueron alarmantes.
Discrimination in employment against Muslims, especially veiled women, was worrying.
Consideraba alarmante la discriminación en el empleo padecida por los musulmanes y, en particular, las mujeres que llevaban velo.
The growing number of children directly harmed by the ongoing violence has been especially worrying.
El creciente número de niños directamente perjudicados por la violencia ha sido especialmente alarmante.
The social and economic consequences of this scourge are particularly disastrous and worrying.
Las consecuencias de este flagelo en los planos social y económico son particularmente desastrosas y alarmantes.
Finally, the Committee was worried about the increasing number of orphanages in Ghana.
Por último, consideró alarmante que hubiera un creciente número de huérfanos.
Events in Mali were worrying.
Los acontecimientos en Malí eran alarmantes.
The Procurement Division should work assiduously to remedy that worrying situation.
La División de Adquisiciones debe poner todo de su parte para rectificar esa alarmante situación.
The fact that she's so invested in Roman is extremely worrying.
El hecho de que esté tan apegada a Roman es extremadamente alarmante.
I can't see much wrong with you but... still, that fever worries me.
No encuentro nada de alarmante, sin embargo, esta fiebre me inquieta.
This very very bad Cadillac weave going along this, straight stretch, so I'll keep my worry beads to hand...
Hay en culebreo alarmante incluso en esta carretera tan recta, así que mantendré mi rosario a mano...
It wasn't exactly Wembley Arena, but the Enterprise had everything you want from a local music venue bar staff who didn't ask for ID, a worrying lack of fire exits and a horrific smell from the toilets.
No era exactamente el Wembley Arena, pero el Enterprise tenía todo lo que quieres para un local de música: camareros que no pedían ID, una alarmante falta de salidas de incendios, y un olor asqueroso proveniente del los baños.
That means we arrive at a rather worrying conclusion because, if I were to choose one of these three cars to drive home in tonight, it would be... the...
Esto quiere decir que hemos llegado a una alarmante conclusión porque, si tuviera que elegir uno de estos tres coches para volver a casa esta noche sería... el...
The fact that he's also trying to buy switches for warheads and 'a worrying development.
El hecho de que también está tratando... de comprar interruptores de ojivas es un hecho alarmante.
No longer was she worried by alarming novelties;
Ya no se inquietaba a causa de novedades alarmantes.
We worried and the reports from his superiors had me very perturbed.
Estábamos preocupados por los informes de sus superiores, que eran alarmantes.
But rather than happiness, he felt a worrying melancholy, a sense of grief.
No estaba feliz, sentía una nostalgia alarmante, una sensación de tristeza.
My expectation is that he was alarmed by the Government Tower incident, or perhaps learned something of a worrying nature.
Sospecho que se alarmó ante el episodio de la Torre de Gobierno o quizá se haya enterado de un dato alarmante.
This sounded faintly alarming to Gibson, and Mackay hastened to reassure him. “There really isn’t the slightest need to worry,”
Esto le pareció bastante alarmante a Gibson y Mackay se apresuró a tranquilizarlo: -En realidad no hay por que; preocuparse -repitió-.
The range was too great for the fire to be accurate, but a worrying noise could be heard echoing through the trees.
El rango era demasiado largo para que los tiros fueran precisos, pero un ruido alarmante se podía escuchar resonando entre los árboles.
His blocked nose was bothering him, he was anxious that his cold might develop into sinusitis, he felt a worrying throbbing in his forehead.
Le molestaba la nariz taponada, tenía miedo de que el resfriado acabara en sinusitis, notaba un martilleo alarmante en la frente.
I’d be worried if instead of that, they spent the whole time with me, watching me, wondering what I’m thinking and if I’m happy with them.
Me parecería alarmante que en vez de hacer esto se quedaran siempre a mi lado, pendientes de mí, preguntándose qué pienso y si estoy contento con ellos.
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